In observance of Presidents’ Day, most City of Las Cruces offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, 2025. However, all emergency services, including police and fire will operate as usual.
City offices and facilities closed Monday, Feb. 17, 2025, include:
- A Fielder Memorial Safe Haven.
- City Hall.
- Castaneda Parks & Recreation Administration Office
- East Mesa Recreation Center.
- Frank O’Brien Papen Community Center.
- Las Cruces Museum System, including Branigan Cultural Center, the Museum of Art, Museum of Nature and Science, and the Railroad Museum, will be closed.
- Las Cruces Public Libraries, including Thomas Branigan Memorial Library and the branch library at Sage Café, will be closed.
- Las Cruces Natatorium.
- Las Cruces Regional Aquatic Center.
- Meerscheidt Recreation Center.
- Rio Grande Theatre.
- All Senior Programs facilities and services.
- South Central Solid Waste Authority administrative offices.
- Visit Las Cruces.
- Youth Development and Diversion
Operating, or open, with hours, includes:
- All City of Las Cruces solid waste services will operate as usual Monday, Feb. 17, 2025. Residential and commercial customers who are scheduled for solid waste collection will have that service provided Monday.
- The Foothills Landfill, 555 S. Sonoma Ranch Boulevard, will be open during normal business hours.
- RoadRUNNER Transit and Dial-A-Ride services will operate with its usual hours 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Monday, Feb.17, 2025. Administration Offices will be closed.
- South Central Solid Waste Authority curbside recycling collection program and commercial recycling services will operate as usual Monday, Feb. 17, 2025. The Amador Transfer Station, 2865 W. Amador Ave., and the Corralitos Landfill will be open with regular hours.
Other news in Library News, News Releases, Parks and Recreation, Quality of Life, RoadRUNNER Transit, Senior Programs, Utilities
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