District 4 News

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Las Cruces City Councilors met Feb. 10, 2025, in a work session where they were introduced to a proposed new franchise agreement with the El Paso Electric Company. In 2000, City Council adopted Ordinance 1790 that granted El Paso Electric a seven-year franchise agreement, with a two-year extension, with the…

City Hall with Flags in front

Las Cruces City Councilors met Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025, and approved resolutions transferring ownership of five dispenser liquor licenses. By law, the New Mexico Alcoholic Beverage Control Division requires local government entities to conduct a public hearing for each liquor license transfer. Council held five consecutive public hearings, as part…

A photo of seven councilors

Chief Jeremy Story will be guest speaker during the Las Cruces Police Department’s Feb. 12 Bridging the Badge livestream. “Public Safety Must be a Priority” is the topic of the Feb. 12 livestream. Story will speak about proposed remedies that, if approved during the 2025 New Mexico legislative session, would…

A photo of a male wearing a police uniform

Quality of Life Department/Public Art and The City Art Board announces the winning selections of the Art Stop 2025 Bus Shelter Art Exhibit. Winning artworks and the locations where the artwork will be exhibited are as follows: “Ocotillo”  Coy Lowther, artist The artwork will be exhibited at the bus shelter…

A photo of six different artwork

There are several beautification projects underway in Las Cruces that were highlighted Monday, January 27, 2025, in presentations during a Tax Increment District (TIDD) board meeting and City Council work session, in Council Chambers at City Hall, 700 N. Main Street. City Council, who also serves as the TIDD board,…

Picture of City Hall building

The City of Las Cruces and Las Cruces Public Schools are proud to announce a new partnership aimed at uplifting and recognizing students who demonstrate exemplary character in their schools. The joint initiative, themed “Thrive with Cariño,” combines the strengths of two community programs: “Thrive” and “Cariño.” The Thrive program, implemented by…

LCPS Superintendent. City Council members, and Mayor holding up Thrive with Cariño shirts.

Las Cruces City Council met in a regular session on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, and accepted the City’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2024. The annual report, completed by the Finance Services Department in accordance with City Charter and the Government Accounting Standards…

Metal artwork at the La Buena Vida Park.

As temperatures drop, the City of Las Cruces is committed to ensuring the safety and comfort of all residents by providing accessible warming stations. The National Weather Service has indicated frigid temperatures continuing through Friday, January 24, 2025. City facility warming stations will be activated on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. The…

Snow on either side of a sidewalk

Due to the cold weather advisory issued by the National Weather Service, the City of Las Cruces non-emergency operations will have a delayed start by two-hours on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025. Roadrunner Transit will delay operations to begin at 8:30 a.m. All other City facilities will open at 10 a.m.

Road with snow in the mountains.

Las Cruces City Councilors met in a Special Meeting Jan. 13, 2025, and approved resolutions that explained the process it took in 2024 to hire a new City Manager and ratified the selection of Ikani Taumoepeau to the position he’s held since April 1, 2024. In December 2024, the New…


UPDATED 9 PM THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 2025: In anticipation of icy roadways caused by the overnight cold temperatures, the City of Las Cruces non-emergency operations will have a delayed start by two-hours on Friday. All City facilities that are not designated as warming stations will open at 10 a.m. Roadrunner…

Lion statue in front of City Hall

In observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, most City of Las Cruces offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. However, all emergency services, including police and fire will operate as usual. City offices and facilities closed Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, include: A Fielder Memorial Safe Haven City Hall…

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Las Cruces City Councilors met Monday, Jan. 6, 2025, and approved the issuance and sale of Taxable Municipal Gross Receipts Tax Revenue Bonds to satisfy a $20 million settlement in the civil suit brought by the estate of Teresa Gomez. In November 2024, the City of Las Cruces agreed to…

City Hall with Flags in front

As temperatures drop, the City of Las Cruces is committed to ensuring the safety and comfort of all residents by providing accessible warming stations. The National Weather Service has indicated a Winter Weather Advisory beginning Tuesday, January 7 and continuing through Friday, January 10, 2025. Snow is possible in south central…

Exterior of Meerscheidt

Las Cruces City Councilors met Monday, Dec. 16, 2024, and approved the precommitment of funds for the Paseos Verdes housing development near the corner of Colorado Avenue and south Campo Street. Paseos Verdes is a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit multi-family affordable housing development at 905 S. Campo St. The Paseos…

City Hall with Flags in front
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