Las Cruces City Councilors met in a regular session Nov. 18, 2024, and approved a pair of resolutions that help define the Joint Powers Agreement that covers the Mesilla Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization, including shifting the administrative duties of the MPO from the City to the MPO’s governing board.
The Mesilla Valley MPO includes the City of Las Cruces, Dona Ana County Government, the Town of Mesilla and the New Mexico Department of Transportation District 1. The MPO exists to help participating entities apply for and utilize federal transportation funds. The MPO also helps provide local input and coordination for regional transportation projects.
Last year, the MPO oversaw roughly $70 million in federally funded infrastructure projects within the community.
Monday’s unanimous vote by Councilors shifts oversight of the MPO from the City to the MPO’s governing board. The revision changes the name of the Policy Board to the Governing Board of the Mesilla Valley MPO and changes the MPO Officer position to an MPO Executive Director position who reports to the Governing Board.
Councilors also approved a memorandum of agreement that defines the roles and responsibilities within the Joint Powers Agreement for the MPO. The City of Las Cruces will remain as the fiscal agent for the Mesilla Valley MPO. Most powers, duties, responsibilities and structures of the MPO will remain unchanged.
In other business, Councilors approved three new board members for the City’s Oversight Committee. The three new members are Bill Kinsella Jr., Adolf Zubia and Michael Cochran. The Oversight Committee is a management advisory committee and not a public board. The committee assists the City in reviewing internal audit and inspector general activities to assist in promoting efficiency, improving operations, and deterring and identifying waste, fraud and abuse of government resources.
Monday’s meeting, along with all City Council regular meetings and work sessions, can be viewed on the City’s YouTube Channel.
A City Council work session previously set for Nov. 25 has been canceled. Councilors will next meet in a regular meeting Monday, Dec. 2, at Council Chambers, 700 N. Main St.