Cannabis Information

Your Input

The City hosted a public meeting regarding the potential for allowing outdoor consumption of cannabis in licensed facilities on September 22, 2022.

Residents also had an opportunity to complete an online survey regarding potential amendments to cannabis regulations.

For information, contact Celina Morales, Economic Development Coordinator, at (575) 541-2286, or by email at

Cannabis Business Licenses

Below is an interactive map of all Cannabis Business Licenses issued by the City of Las Cruces and located within Las Cruces City Limits. The map will be updated as licenses are approved by the State of New Mexico and City of Las Cruces.

Cannabis Update 1 City Council Work Session – March 28, 2022

Cannabis Seminar 1 – January 5-6, 2022

Seminar Presentations

Fast Facts

  • Recreational cannabis became legal in New Mexico on June 29, 2021
  • The state’s Cannabis Control Division not later than September 1, 2021:
    • Creates the Cannabis Regulatory Advisory Commission
    • Accepts and begins processing license applications for cannabis producers, cannabis producer micro-businesses and properly licensed medical cannabis producers
  • The state’s Cannabis Control Division no later than January 1, 2022:
    • Begins licensing cannabis training and education programs
    • Issues cannabis server permits
    • Accepts and begins processing license applications for all license types
  • Retail sale of commercial cannabis in New Mexico begins no later than April 1, 2022



Permits & Licenses

Business Resources

Additional Resources

City of Las Cruces and State of New Mexico programs that can be used to fund cannabis retail businesses.

City of Las Cruces – Renovate Main Street Grant Program

This is a matching grant program will provide financial reimbursement for the improvement and rehabilitation of Main Street properties intended as storefronts of retail, restaurant, and entertainment for-profit businesses.

To be eligible, your business must be located with the boundaries of the Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA). The area is bound on the north by Picacho Avenue, on the east by Campo Street, on the south by the intersection of El Paseo Rd. and Main St., and on the west by Alemeda Boulevard.

Click Here for More Information & To Apply

Interior Improvements

  • Accessibility improvements
  • Energy conservation improvements
  • Electrical work
  • Fire alarm system
  • Fire sprinkler system installation or upgrade, including any needed water service improvements
  • Heating, ventilation, or air conditioning
  • Lighting
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Restoration of building such as ceilings, light fixtures, and floors
  • Utility services upgrades, including water and sewer
  • Other infrastructure improvements, as approved, with a significant impact on the building owner’s ability to attract highest and best use of tenants and/or increase sales for current tenant

Exterior Improvements

  • Repair and restoration of architectural detail, including façade improvements
  • Material costs
  • Window repair
  • Masonry work
  • Repair and replacement of signs and awnings
  • Roof repair
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Other infrastructure improvements, as approved, with a significant impact on the building owner’s ability to attract highest and best use of tenants and/or increase sales for current tenant.

State of New Mexico MicroBusiness

On November 30, 2021, the New Mexico Finance Authority Oversight Committee approved the Cannabis Microbusiness Program, a new $5 million program that will offer affordable loans to licensed cannabis microbusinesses. Click here to apply

  • Loans up to $250,000 will be available
  • Interest rates will be 2% to 3% depending on amount of loan
  • The loans are aimed at capital initiatives, including the purchase, rental or creation of buildings and greenhouses; lighting, security and irrigation systems; and payments for utilities and marketing efforts.
  • The loan will be targeted at rural and impoverished communities, as well as minority business owners.

Additional language from the Rules Governing the Cannabis Microbusiness Program Under the Statewide Economic Development Finance Act and approved by the New Mexico Finance Authority Oversight Committee on Nov. 18, 2021:

On April 12, 2021, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed into law the Cannabis

Regulation Act, NMSA 1978, Section 26-2C-1 et seq. (“CRA”), which creates a comprehensive licensing, taxing and enforcement regulatory structure for adult use cannabis in the State that will be administered by the Cannabis Control Division (“CCD”) of the Regulation and Licensing Department (“RLD”).

The New Mexico Finance Authority (“NMFA”), pursuant to the provisions of the Statewide Economic Development Finance Act, NMSA 1978, Section 6-25-6 (“SWEDFA”), is granted certain powers enabling it to provide financial assistance to eligible entities from the Economic Development Revolving Fund.

The NMFA, pursuant to SWEDFA’s economic development goal provisions, NMSA 1978, Section 6-25-3(F), is granted authority to provide financial assistance to rural and underserved areas designed to increase business activity, including agricultural projects that add value to New Mexico agricultural products, attract new business and create and promote an environment suitable for the support of start-up and emerging businesses in the cannabis industry.

The NMFA will administer these rules in compliance with the social and economic equity mandate under the CRA and NMAC, which promotes and encourages full participation in the cannabis industry of (i) representatives of communities that have been disproportionately harmed by rates of arrest through the enforcement of cannabis prohibitions; (ii) representatives with racial, ethnic, gender, geographic diversity; (iii) rural communities likely to be impacted cannabis production; and (iv) agricultural producers from economically disadvantaged communities.

These rules govern the implementation and administration of the Cannabis Microbusiness Program as authorized by NMSA 1978, Section 6-25-6(D), and do not apply to other programs established by the NMFA.