Regulatory Compliance

The City of Las Cruces Utilities Regulatory Compliance Team provides professional and technical program support in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations by advising and assisting LCU Administrators in environmental management and regulatory compliance. This program also monitors the regulatory compliance of the remedial action of the Superfund Site located at Griggs and Walnut.

The purpose of the Regulatory Compliance and Training line of business is to provide regulatory compliance, technical support, and training to Las Cruces Utilities programs, so they can operate within state and federal requirements and be technically proficient.

Water Quality Laboratory

Collects, monitors and tests City drinking water and wastewater to ensure compliance with the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water requirements.

Industrial Pollution Prevention

Works to protect the integrity of Utilities’ wastewater collection system and treatment plants, and ensure the wastewater discharge permits meets all regulatory requirements.

Fog Manifest

Use this Online Form to upload your FOG Manifest documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

The federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA, Public Law 93-523) was enacted in 1974, and went into effect in 1976. The purpose of the Act was to establish national, enforceable, standards for drinking water quality, and to guarantee that water suppliers monitor water to ensure that it meets national standards.

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments passed in 1986 mandated the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish standards for 83 drinking water contaminants by 1992 and identify an additional 25 contaminants for regulation every 3 years thereafter. Please view the Community Confidence Report Page for complete information about the Safe Drinking Water regulations and the required sampling that is required by federal law for any public or private water utility.

The Water Quality Laboratory does not sample and analyze drinking water samples for the private sector due to scheduling and workload limitations. Work of the Water Quality Laboratory is directed to compliance requirements and, occasionally, special projects of the Utilities Department. Privately-run laboratories in Las Cruces can provide analytical services for private purposes.

Fats, oils, and grease adhere to wastewater pipe surfaces causing constriction and blockage of wastewater flow which leads to sewage back-ups.

Drain and wipe clean all dishes, pots and pans before washing. Never pour fats, oils, or grease directly into drains.

The flow direction reversal of water or mixtures of water and/or other liquids into the distribution pipes of the potable water supply by means of back-siphonage or backpressure.

Pollution Prevention

Pollution Prevention includes backflow prevention, grease interception, and industrial pretreatment programs. These programs assist with the protection of drinking water and wastewater compliance. Backflow PreventionFats, Oils, & Grease (FOG)Industrial Pretreatment…


Related Documents Backflow Assembly Test Report (PDF) Backflow Ordinance 1694 (PDF) Best Management Practices for the Kitchen (PDF) Fats, Oils, and Grease 120-Day Pump-out Extension Application (PDF) Fats, Oils, and…
Crew Installing a water pipe

Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

Welcome to the City of Las Cruces Lead and Copper Rule Revisions webpage. This page contains information based on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Lead and Copper Rule and…

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