Heart of Las Cruces: Share Your Cariño Stories

What makes Las Cruces, Las Cruces? It’s our special ingredient: Cariño! Cariño is the love, care, and affection that we, as a city organization, put into everything we do for the community.

We invite you to share your stories of experiencing cariño from the City of Las Cruces. Use this form to submit your experience, providing complete information and including a photo of the staff member  who showed you cariño. Photos can be headshots, action shots, or group shots with clear identification of the associate. Please avoid sending scanned text images; key in your message if it’s from a letter, postcard, etc. Cariño stories will be featured internally on CityNet and externally on the City website.

Cariño to: Jamar Heft

David Sedillo, the Director of Public Works, came and spoke with me on Thursday regarding comments made by a Mrs. Gardea who recently came into Customer Central looking for help…
Sylvia Silva

Cariño to Syliva Silva, Transit

A customer called to give Kudos to Sylvia Silva, because every time she calls and speaks with Sylvia, she is always ready to help. Sylvia always has a great attitude…

Cariño to Cody Sedillos

Cariño to Cody Sedillos, City Manager’s Office, for all his hard work in keeping the airport grounds clean and fixing what is broken on a daily basis. Cody’s hard work…
Visit Las Cruces Balloon

Cariño to: Sergio Salinas

A Cariño to Sergio Salinas, from Visit Las Cruces, for going above and beyond promoting Las Cruces at numerous events across the country by traveling and operating the Visit Las…
Picture of Zach Hernandez

Cariño to: Zach Hernandez

Cariño to Zach Hernandez, Athletics Facility Manager. On the morning of Thursday, October 10th, Zach observed a very young child walking down the street by himself. With no visible supervision…