Sun Through Bushes

Daytime high temperatures are expected to be at or above 100 degrees for the next several days, so the City of Las Cruces will open cooling stations Friday, Aug. 16, through Thursday, Aug. 22, to allow some relief for residents who wish to escape the heat.

Cooling stations are places that offers temporary daytime shelter from the heat for the elderly, high-risk residents and the public. Residents are encouraged to call cooling stations beforehand to verify they are open.

The following cooling stations will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays through Aug. 22.

  • Frank O’Brien Papen Community Center, 304 W. Bell Ave. (575) 528-2455 (Closed Saturday/Sunday).
  • Henry R. Benavidez Community Center,1045 McClure Road (575) 541-2006 (Closed Saturday/Sunday).
  • Meerscheidt Recreation Center, 1600 E. Hadley Ave. (575) 541-2563 (Closed Sunday).
  • Munson Center, 975 S. Mesquite St. (575) 541-3000 (Closed Saturday/Sunday).
  • Sage Café, 6121 Reynolds Drive (575) 528-3151 (Closed Saturday/Sunday).
  • Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, 200 E. Picacho Ave. (575) 528-4000 (Open 1-5 p.m. Sunday).

Residents are reminded to drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out of the sun, and check on relatives, neighbors and pets. Also, those working or spending time outdoors should take extra precautions. When possible, strenuous activities should be limited to early morning or evening hours.

Residents should also be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion symptoms include headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting; weakness and moist skin; irritability or confusion; and an upset stomach. Heat stroke symptoms include: dry, hot skin with no sweating; mental confusion or loss of consciousness; and seizures or convulsions. Heat stroke is an emergency, and residents should immediately call 911 if anyone is experiencing these symptoms.

People at a higher risk of heat-related illness include: infants and young children; older adults; people with disabilities; anyone with chronic heart or lung problems; overweight persons; those who work outdoors or in hot settings; users of some medications, especially some drugs for mental disorders, movement disorders, allergies, depression, and heart and circulatory problems; and isolated persons who won’t know when or how to cool off or call for help.

Wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing when possible. To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks in shaded or air-conditioned environments.

Anyone overcome by heat should be moved to a cool and shaded location as quickly as possible.

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