- Call to Order
- Determination of a Quorum
- Introductions
- Approval of Agenda for November 7, 2024, ADA Advisory meeting
- Approval of Minutes for July 11, 2024, ADA Advisory meeting
- Presenter: Catherine Mathews, Landscape Architect/Parks & Recreation/Special Projects
- Topics: Young Park Inclusive Playground and Highland Park Project
- Old Business
- Social media update
- New Business
- ADA Committee Goals and Objectives
- Goal One
- Goal Two
- Presenter Discussion
- City Representatives Update
- Public Comments
- Committee Member Comments/Announcements
- Adjournment
Members of the public are welcome! ASL interpreters are provided and the meeting is in an accessible location. All participants are requested not to use perfume, cologne, or other fragrances. Other ADA accommodations can be requested by emailing ada@lascruces.gov. The City does not tolerate discrimination based on any protected class, including disability, in employment or provision of services.