File a Complaint or Submit a Compliment

You can recognize and compliment the commendable work done by a Las Cruces Police officer or any department employee by submitting a Compliment Form. We appreciate hearing about the positive contributions our team makes in the community. Additionally, if you have concerns regarding procedures or potential misconduct by an employee, the Las Cruces Police Department encourages you to bring these to our attention. We thoroughly investigate all allegations, whether they involve administrative violations, criminal activity, or other misconduct. To address any questions or concerns, you may contact a supervisory team member or Internal Affairs for both informal and formal resolution. For detailed steps on filing a formal written complaint, please follow the provided procedure.

You can compliment or recognize the fine work done by a Las Cruces Police officer or any employee of the department. To formally recognize, compliment or praise an employee of the Las Cruces Police Department, please complete and submit a Compliment Form that can be electronically submitted to us. We always like to hear of the good work we’re doing in our community.

Las Cruces Police Department Compliment and Commendation Form

Please fill out this form if you would like to praise or compliment the Las Cruces Police Department, an officer, unit, team or employee. Please provide as much information as possible. Thank you.

Your Name(Required)
Date of Incident(Required)
Time of Incident
Max. file size: 8 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

It is the policy of the Las Cruces Police Department to thoroughly investigate all allegations of administrative violations, criminal activity, or other misconduct by its employees.

You are encouraged to bring any questions or concerns about procedures to the Police Department’s attention through a supervisory team member or Internal Affairs. An attempt will be made to resolve any issues informally or formally.

The steps for filing a formal written complaint and procedure are as follows:

  • Anyone wishing to file a formal complaint against the Las Cruces Police Department, a unit, team officer or employee, can complete and submit a Complaint Form, found below. These forms can be submitted electronically. They can also be obtained at the Las Cruces Police Department located at the following address or by contacting any LCPD supervisor.:
    217 E Picacho Avenue
    Las Cruces, NM 88001When completing this form, please include as much detail as possible including the date, time, and location of the incident, the identities of the officer(s) involved, if known, and a statement of circumstances surrounding your complaint. Please include your name and phone number so an investigator may contact you if further information or clarification is needed.
  • Internal Affairs will receive the Complaint Form and conduct a preliminary inquiry into the allegations contained in the complaint. Contact with any Internal Affairs investigator may be electronically recorded (audio or video).
  • The preliminary inquiry findings will be forwarded to the Chief of Police who will then determine if a formal investigation will be conducted, the matter will be referred to the employee’s supervisor, or the matter closed due to no misconduct or policy violations discovered.
  • All formal investigations conducted by Internal Affairs will be reviewed by the Chief of Police or his designate.
  • Most investigations and findings are completed within 180 days after the complaint has been filed.
  • Citizens filing complaints will receive a written notice of the disposition through certified mail. Any questions you have concerning the complaint process may be directed to Internal Affairs at 575-528-4726.