Poison Control

The Codes department also performs other types of outreach as well. Such as teaching area youth and adults about household poisons, chemicals and dangerous plants in our community. You may find these information booths all around town such as the Farmer’s Market, Bike Rodeos and schools. Information given may include but not limited to the following:


Information about different medications and how some look like candy are given at our local schools discussing the dangers of consuming something that you aren’t sure what it is. How to contact Poison Control is important and that information is given as well.

Zika Virus

Information about the recent threat of the Zika Virus is also distributed. Information reference on how to avoid the virus, what to watch for and how to prevent the spread of the virus. Find more information reference mosquito control.

Presenting Information

For information on how to have Codes Enforcement present this information to your group or organization, please email Officer Chris Bigelow Number 447 or call 575-528-4100 or email R. Adame.