Road & Traffic Updates

Lane Closure – Missouri Ave. (Gladys Dr. to Payne St.) | March 24 – April 4

Las Cruces Motorists will experience a lane closure on Missouri Ave. from Gladys Dr. to Payne St. for the east bound traffic.

This closure will be in place for two weeks starting March 24, 2025, through April 4.Access to residents and businesses will be maintained during the construction.

Volt Incorporated will be installing underground infrastructure for UPN Communications.

The lane closure will not affect the RoadRUNNER Transit. This work is being done in Council District #2.  


For information contact the Public Works Department/Construction Management section at 575/528-3098.  The TTY number is 575/541-2182.

Shoulder Work Closures – N. Willow St. and Birch Dr. | March 24 – March 28

Las Cruces Motorists will experience shoulder work on N. Willow St. and Birch Drivestarting Monday March 24, 2025, through March 28.


AITS with Shamroy Powell will be installing underground infrastructure for Vexus Fiberas part of a utility permit.


The shoulder work will not affect the RoadRUNNER Transit. This work is being done in Council District #1. Access to residents will be maintained during the construction.


For more information, contact the Public Works Department, Construction Managementsection at 575/528-3098. The TTY number is 575/541-2182.

Road Closure – West Park Drive (between Farney Ln. and Lee Whisman) | Beginning March 24

Las Cruces motorists are advised that West Park Drive between Farney Lane and Lee Whisman will be closed to traffic starting March 24, 2025.

Caliper Construction will be doing utility work as part of a private apartment development.

The work is anticipated to take one (1) week to complete.

Detours will be in place. Roadrunner Transit routes will not be affected.

This work is being done in Council District #2.

Water Outage – Powder River Dr., Arabela Dr., and Big Springs St. | March 20 9am-1pm

Water Outage on Powder River Dr., Arabela Dr., and Big Springs St.

Residents on the streets listed below will experience a water outage on Thursday, March 20, 2025, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

Powder River Drive (from approximately 4700 Powder River to Arabela Drive).
Arabela Drive (from Big Springs St. to East end).
Big Springs Street (from approximately 4704 Big Springs St. to Arabela Drive).

Caliper Construction, Inc. will be performing a water tie-in as part of a residential development permit.

Adjacent areas also may be affected. If water on your street is scheduled to be turned off, crews will post a door hanger notice a minimum of 24 hours in advance.

Once service is restored, residents may notice discolored water due to iron, manganese, and calcium deposits. Although the water is safe to drink, the City officials recommend waiting for the water to become clear before washing laundry.

This work is being done in Council District No. 5.

The discoloration should disappear within 24 hours. If it does not, residents should flush all faucets in their house for five minutes. If the discoloration remains, call the City at 575/526-0500 for assistance. The TTY phone number is 575/541-2182.  

Intermittent Lane Closures – Valley Dr. (at Avenida de Mesilla Intersection) | March 18-20, 2025

 Northbound commuters on Valley Drive (at Avenida de Mesilla Intersection) will have intermittent lane closures starting Tuesday, March 18, 2025, and will last through March 20, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00p.m.  

 FiberTex will be placing underground utilities as part of a wire utility permit.

 The work will be on Roadrunner Transit Route 7 but will not affect any bus stops.Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project. Commuters are urged to follow all posted signs.

 This work is being done in City Council District 4.

For information, call the Public Works Department/Construction Management at 575/528-3098. The TTY number is 575/541-2182.

Intermittent Lane Closure – Northrise Drive (at Roadrunner Pkwy Intersection) | March 17 – 28, 2025


Westbound commuters on Northrise Drive (at Roadrunner Parkway Intersection) will have intermittent lane closures starting Monday, March 17, 2025, and will last through March 28, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00p.m.  

 Volt Inc. will be placing underground utilities as part of a wire utility permit.

 The work will be on Roadrunner Transit Route 3 but will not affect any bus stops. Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project. Commuters are urged to follow all posted signs.

 This work is being done in City Council District 3.

 For information, call the Public Works Department/Construction Management at 575/528-3098. The TTY number is 575/541-2182.


Intermittent Lane Closures – Mesa Grande and Bataan Memorial West | March 13 – April 13, 2025

Mesa Grande Drive will experience intermittent lane closures near the intersection at Mesa Grande Drive and Bataan Memorial West starting Thursday March 13, 2025. G. Sandoval Construction will be doing work as part of the City of Las Cruces City Bond Median Landscape Ph.2 project. The intermittent lane closure will last approximately one month. Detours and signage will be present directing traffic around the work zone.

Crews will only work between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, leaving evenings and weekends free of construction activity. Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project. Motorists are urged to follow all posted signs.

RoadRUNNER Transit Route 3 may be affected.

Lane Closure – Valley Drive (Marquess St. to Barker Rd.) | March 13-17, 2025


A lane closure for northbound commuters on Valley Dr. between Marquess St. and Barker Rd. will be in place starting Thursday, March 13, 2025, and lasting through Monday, March 17, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The lane closure will not be up on evenings or weekends.

 Fibertex will be placing underground utilities in the vicinity.

 The work is being done in City of Las Cruces Council District 4.

 Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project. Motorists are urged to follow all posted signs.

 Work will be in place along Roadrunner Transit Route 7 but will not affect any bus stop locations.


For information, call the Public Works Department/Construction Management at (575) 528-3098. The TTY number is (575) 541-2182.

Lane Closure – Northbound S. Main Street at Wyatt Drive | March 10 – 20, 2025

There will be a lane closure in effect Tuesday, March 10, 2025, for Northbound S Main and Wyatt. The project is expected to be completed on March 20, 2025.

The City of Las Cruces Flood and Construction crew will be doing storm drain maintenance at that intersection of S. Main and Wyatt.

Shoulder Work Closures – Nevada Ave., Graham St., Sambrano Ave., Stull Dr. | March 10 – 21, 2025

As part of wire utility permit the following streets will be impacted by shoulder work closures beginning March 10, 2025, through approximately Friday March 21, 2025.

 The streets include:

Nevada Ave.: From approximately 250 ft from the intersection of Nevada Ave to Graham St. This project is in City Council District 3.
Graham St.: From Nevada Ave. to Sambrano Ave. This project is in City Council District 3.
Sambrano Ave: From approximately 250 ft from the intersection of Sambrano Ave to Graham St. This project is in City Council District 3.
Stull Dr.: From the cul-de-sac to the intersection of Stull Dr. to Dr. King Way. This project is in City Council District 3.


For the publics convenience, crews will only work from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, leaving evenings and weekends free of construction activity. Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project. Motorists are urged to follow all posted signs.

 Roadrunner Transit Routes or bus stops will not be affected.

For information, call the Public Works Department/Construction Management at (575) 528-3098. The TTY number is (575) 541-2182.

Lane Closure – Tashiro Drive (between North Valley Drive and Motel Boulevard) | March 11 – 14

Las Cruces motorists are advised that Tashiro Drive between North Valley Drive and Motel Boulevard will have a lane closure in the westbound lane. The closure is scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The closure will last for approximately 3 days in duration.

Access to businesses and residences will be maintained during the closure. Motorists are urged to follow all posted signs. The work and closure will not affect Roadrunner Transit or transit stops.

Caliper Construction will be completing roadway work at this location. This work will be done in City Council District 4.

Lane Closure – Valley Drive (Boutz Rd. to Barker Rd.) | March 5 – March 12

A lane closure for northbound commuters on Valley Dr. between Boutz Rd. and Barker Rd. will be in place starting Wednesday, March 5, 2025, and lasting through Wednesday, March 12, 2025, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

  • Fibertex will be placing underground utilities in the vicinity.
  • The work is being done in City of Las Cruces Council District 4.
  •  Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project. Motorists are urged to follow all posted signs.
  • Work will be in place along Roadrunner Transit Route 7 but will not affect any bus stops.


Lane Closure – Southbound Elks Dr. on March 5th

There will be a lane closure in effect Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, for southbound Elks Dr. from Devendale Ave. to Avondale Dr. The project is expected to be completed in one day.

 City Road Construction crew will be doing street maintenance at that intersection.

 This work is to be done in Council District #1. Roadrunner Transit routes will not be affected. The City has verified that no conflicting public or private construction projects will take place in the immediate area during this time.

Shoulder Work N. Valley Drive (Between McClure Road and Bruins Lane)

Shoulder work will be taking place on the northbound lane of N Valley Dr. between McClure Rd. to Bruins Lane. The work will begin Monday March 3, 2025, to Friday March 7, 2025.

Turquoise Mountain Construction will be doing the work as part of a wire utility permit.

The shoulder work will impact the RoadRUNNER Transit route 6.

Lane Closure – Valley Drive (Between Rigsby Road and Barker Road)

A lane closure for southbound commuters on Valley Dr. between Rigsby Rd. and Barker Rd. will be in place Monday, March 3, 2025 through Friday, March 7, 2025, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Fibertex will be placing underground utilities in the vicinity.

Work will be in place along Roadrunner Transit Route 6 and will affect bus stop #4.

Road Closure – Solano Drive (Various affected areas)

Solano Drive will continue to experience a road closure due to the testing for the new water main before it can be connected to the existing water system. Work will continue through March 14, 2025.

A detour route will be provided to detour traffic through neighboring streets; we ask that you please follow the detour signage that will be installed.

The areas affected are:
N. Main Street: Solano Drive for the southbound traffic a road closure will be in effect.
N. Mesquite St.: Solano Drive a road closure will be in effect.
Solano Drive: E. Madrid Ave. the left turn lane for westbound traffic will be closed.
Solano Drive: Northbound traffic will be shifted to one lane to N. Main St.
E. Madrid Ave.: Solano Drive the left turn lane for the northbound traffic will be closed.
Apodaca Park: Solano Drive westbound traffic will be closed.
E. Madrid Ave. will have the right turn open for southbound traffic on Solano Drive.

Renegade Construction will be doing the work as part of a site development permit. The work will include new sewer line and manholes, a new water line and the removal of existing asphalt and installation of new asphalt.
The work will impact the RoadRUNNER Transit Route 8 bus stop 27 at Mesquite & Madrid.

Continued Shoulder Work – Valley Drive to Boutz Road

Las Cruces Motorists will experience continued shoulder work on Valley Drive from Boutz Road to Rigsby Road Monday, March 3, 2025 through March 7, 2025.

Volt Incorporated will be potholing for existing underground infrastructure before boring a new underground infrastructure for Unite Private Networks as part of a utility permit.

The shoulder work will affect the RoadRUNNER Transit route 7 bus stop 35.

Lane Closure – Via del Villa and Parkhill Drive and Torreon Road

An intermittent lane closure will continue Monday March 3, 2025, until March 19, 2025, near Via del Villa and the intersection of Parkhill Drive and Torreon Road.

Renegade Construction will be doing the work as part of a subdivision permit.

The lane closure will not impact the RoadRUNNER Transit Route.

Shoulder Work – Noria Court

Shoulder work will be taking place on Noria Court between Torreon Rd. to the end of the Cul-de-sac.

The work will begin Monday March 3, 2025, to Tuesday March 4, 2025.

H&H Underground will be doing the work as part of a wire utility permit.

The shoulder work will not impact the RoadRUNNER Transit routes.

Lane Shift – Hickory Drive

A lane shift will be in place on Hickory Drive south of Avenida de Mesilla Monday, March 3, 2025 through Wednesday, March 5, 2025, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Fibertex will be installing underground wire utilities in the vicinity.

This work will affect bus stops 6 and 28 on Roadrunner Transit Route 4.

Lane Shift on Three Crosses

A lane shift for westbound commuters will be in place on Three Crosses Avenue between Alameda Blvd. and Spitz St. Monday, March 3, 2025 through Friday, March 14, 2025.

The lane shift will not affect the traffic control on North Main Street. Two-way traffic on Three Crosses Avenue will be maintained at all times.

Caliper Construction, Inc. will be placing a deceleration lane as part of a commercial building permit.

Roadrunner Transit Routes or bus stops will not be affected.

Valley Drive – Potential Closure

Motorists who travel along Valley Drive will experience shoulder work, and a possible lane closure, Tuesday, Feb. 25, through March 7, 2025, between Rigsby Road and Avenida de Mesilla.

As part of a utility permit, Volt Incorporated will be potholing for existing underground infrastructure before boring a new underground infrastructure for Unite Private Networks.

The shoulder work will not affect Roadrunner Transit.

Road Closures: Farney Ln. & West Park Dr.

🛠 When:
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

📍 Locations:
Farney Ln. between El Paseo Rd. & Cotton Ave.
West Park Dr. between Farney Ln. & Lee Whisman

Caliper Construction will be performing work for a private apartment development.
Transit Impact: Roadrunner Transit routes will not be affected.
City District: Council District 2.
Detours will be in place.

Safety Tips:
Follow all posted signs and detour routes.

Shoulder Work: Barker Rd.

🛠 When:
Tuesday, February 25 – Friday, February 28, 2025

📍 Location:
Barker Rd. between Bronco Way & Avenida de Mesilla

MetroNet will be placing underground wire utilities in the area.
Transit Impact: Roadrunner Transit routes and bus stops will not be affected.
City District: Council District 4.
Access to residences and businesses will be maintained throughout the project.

Safety Tips:
Follow all posted signs and drive with caution.

Shoulder Work: Tuscan Hills Ln.

🛠 When:
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 (One-day project)

📍 Location:
Tuscan Hills Ln. between Silver Sage Dr. & 2515 Tuscan Hills Ln. (eastbound traffic)

H & H Underground will be installing underground infrastructure for Comcast.
Transit Impact: Roadrunner Transit routes will not be affected.
City District: Council District 6.
Access to residents will be maintained during construction.

Safety Tips:
Follow all posted signs and drive with caution.