What Not to Flush

What Not to Flush

What Can I flush down the Toilet?

Just because something can be flushed down the toilet does not mean it should be.

Only flush the 3 P’s: pee, poo, and paper (toilet paper). Toilet paper is specifically designed to break down in the water. Although paper towels, napkins, and facial tissue appear to be the same material, but they do not disintegrate in water like toilet paper. Any items flushed other than toilet paper can create costly clogs in your home pipes, our community sewer pipes, and our water reclamation facilities. The U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) encourages all Americans to only flush toilet paper, not disinfect wipes or other non-flushable items that should be disposed of in the trash.

Things that are OK to flush:
  • Bodily fluids (Urine, Feces, Vomit, etc.) as these will breakdown
  • Toilet Paper (TP is made specifically to breakdown)
  • Chemicals specific for cleaning toilets
When your talking about what not to flush down the toilet, anything other that what is listed above:
You should NOT flush anything that will not dissolve, such as:
  • Any paper products other than toilet paper
    • No paper towels
    • Kleenex
    • Wrappers of any kind
  • Any feminine hygiene products
    • Tampons
    • Feminine napkins
  • Any medicines
    • Prescription meds
    • Over-the-counter meds
  • Condoms or condom wrappers
  • Oils or grease
  • Chemicals
    • No Chemicals (except for those specific for cleaning toilets)
 If you have further questions please reach out to James Woods, Manager, Pollution Prevention, Las Cruces Utilities at (575) 528-3850 or jawoods@lascruces.gov.

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