Pilot Light Relight

Stay safe and warm this winter. Schedule your Pilot Relight and Safety Check today.

Avoid long wait times and schedule your Pilot Relight before cold weather arrives. For service, call Utilities Customer Service at (575) 541-2111 or by email at customerservice@lascruces.gov. (Please note that for emails we may take 1-3 business days to respond.)

Someone over 18 years old will need to be present and available during the pilot relight. Relight scheduling can take place from 8 a.m. to noon or noon to 4 p.m. We ask customers to provide access to their already winterized appliance. The furnace must be cleaned out and have filters replaced if needed before a Field Service Tech arrives. Please make sure to keep the furnace clear of obstructions.

While Field Service Techs can check appliances to make sure they are working properly, they are not responsible for repairing or maintaining our appliance. If the gas meter is not locked, then no inspections are needed to complete this process. 

Schedule early to avoid the wait. Call (575) 541-2111 or by email at customerservice@lascruces.gov.

these out as far as we can, however, some customers will call us right before or after the freeze, and we will normally schedule them for the next business day that the customer can make the appointment.

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