Charles T. Tucker Jr., is the Inspector General for the City of Las Cruces. He will be conducting in-community office hours with city residents during 2024.
Community meetings will run from 1:30-4 p.m. the first and third Friday of every month during 2024 at Frank O’Brien Papen Community Center, 304 W. Bell Ave.; from 1:30-4 p.m. the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at Henry Benavidez Community Center, 1045 McClure Road; and from 1:30-4 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of every month at Sage Café Community Center, 6121 Reynolds Drive.
If you would prefer to schedule an appointment outside of City Hall and would like to meet the IG in the alternate IG office located in the BMO building downtown (201 N. Main St.) please call or email the Inspector General at (575) 541-2011 or (575) 777-5991 or email, to schedule an appointment.
“I will be available to the residents of the City of Las Cruces to discuss any issues they may have,” Tucker said. “That is the preferred method. Please, I would rather residents come see me.”
The City Inspector General will primarily investigate complaints of fraud, waste and abuse of City resources. The City Inspector General is authorized to investigate municipal matters that involve elected or appointed officials, City employees, municipal agencies and instrumentalities, contractors, their subcontractors and lower-tier subcontractors and other parties doing business with the City or receiving City funds.
Complaints to the City Inspector General can be made by the City Board of Ethics; through complaint reporting mechanisms, such as the City Hotline; from City employees; city residents; and anyone else with a complaint against the City.
The City Inspector General will not investigate criminal acts. However, the Inspector General will refer complaints to an appropriate prosecuting authority or law enforcement agency. Also, the Inspector General will not investigate anything in the jurisdiction of Police Department or Fire Department internal affairs.
The Inspector General will refer anything that warrants an audit to the City’s Internal Audit Office. The Inspector General will not investigate any complaints of discrimination or labor law or threatened or pending litigation.
Contact Charles Tucker Jr. at (575) 541-2011, or by email at