

The Budget Program is responsible for providing City departments with fiscal planning, analysis, and management services to enable the City organization to provide City services in accordance with the policies, goals and objectives established by the City Manager and the Las Cruces City Council.

The Budget Program coordinates the preparation of the City’s Operating and Capital budgets, which is the “action plan” used to implement the goals and objectives of the City Council. Budget also manages the Grants Administration Program.

With the direction provided by the City Council strategic plan, the dedication of our employees, and the support of our community, the City of Las Cruces provides the highest level of municipal services with our available resources. Once the operating budget is finalized it becomes the roadmap to providing programs and services to the community.


The Budget Program has won the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOADistinguished Budget Presentation Award over multiple consecutive years due in part to Budget’s commitment to provide professional and quality services to the City of Las Cruces. The award recognizes the very highest quality in the preparation of budget documents.

Adopted Budget FY2025

The adopted operating and capital budget for Fiscal Year 2025 was presented to Council in May 2024. The Budget document serves as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communication device for the City. It is the foundation for the City’s allocation of resources toward service delivery plans providing quality services, targeted investment, and continued improvements.

The budget was adopted on May 20, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

It assists the city manager with the development and implementation of the City’s budget. OMB monitors and forecasts the revenues and expenditures for the City.

The City of Las Cruces and State of New Mexico follow a Fiscal Year (FY) that starts July 1 and ends June 30. A Fiscal Year is the period designated by the city for the beginning and ending of financial transactions or a budget cycle. The 2015 Annual Budget or Fiscal Year 2014 to 2015 refers to the period that begins July 1, 2014 and concludes on June 30, 2015.

The budget process begins in December with City Council and management work sessions. City departments and agencies start in January and conclude their budget development in late February with their submission of budget requests to Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Around mid-April, the city manager releases the Preliminary Budget and Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for the ensuing fiscal year. This is followed by a period of public comment during which, the community and City Council make recommendations on the budget to the city manager. The City Manager then submits the Final Operating and Capital Improvement Plan Budget to the City Council on or around the first business week of May.

Total City Budget

The FY2023 Adopted Budget is $596.6 million and is comprised of three parts: the General Fund, Capital Project funds, and Enterprise funds. The City’s largest operating fund is the General Fund with a $165.1 million Adopted Budget in FY2025.

In an effort to keep City Council and Las Cruces residents updated and informed on the City’s Budget, a Budget and Financial Status Report is presented quarterly to City Management that focuses on the financial and operational performance and provides updated estimates on revenues and expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year.

The City’s financial management practices and policies include General Fund budgeted financial reserves, comprehensive long-term financial planning, financial reporting, and monitoring.

Contact Us

Physical Address: 700 N. Main Street, Third Floor, Las Cruces, NM 88001

Phone: (575) 541-2188

Fax: (575) 541-2188

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