Transparency and Accountability

You have a right to know what the City of Las Cruces is doing for you. The City operates in a manner that creates trust so it can lead to a successful organization. This municipal organization has an obligation to our residents to be open and honest.

The City is providing a list of documents, reports, meeting notes, advisories, surveys and records to residents in an easily accessible location on our website to help you locate the information you are looking for.

Providing access to this information helps your government to perform better, measure our progress and keep you informed.


“Accountability breeds response-ability.” Stephen R. Covey

Transparency and accountability are essential to a democratic government. The City of Las Cruces recognizes and accepts its responsibility to account for its activities, to take ownership of them, and disclose results in a transparent manner. As the stewards of public funds, the City has a moral and legal obligation to demonstrate to taxpayers that the monies they entrust to their city government are spent and accounted for properly and legally.

Union Contracts

Agendas and Public Meetings

Below is a list of all recent meetings that you can review. Click on the meeting name to review the details of that meeting. Once this page opens you will…

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)

Non Profit FundingThe City of Las Cruces (City) received a direct allocation from the U.S. Treasury under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal…


Internal Audit The City of Las Cruces Internal Audit Office (IAO) is dedicated to providing management with independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to: add value; improve operations; and…


Responsibilities: The Budget Program is responsible for providing City departments with fiscal planning, analysis, and management services to enable the City organization to provide City services in accordance with the…

Citywide Plans


The Contracts page is your resource for understanding the agreements and partnerships that shape our city’s development. Here, you can access detailed information about active contracts, including descriptions, terms, and…

Crime Stats

The Crime Stats page is your go-to source for detailed and up-to-date information on crime in Las Cruces. Here, you can explore comprehensive statistics on various types of crimes, including…

Employee Salaries

The Employee Salaries page provides transparent access to detailed information about the compensation of city employees in Las Cruces. Here, you will find comprehensive data on the salaries of various…
Person typing into laptop and viewing envisio Dashboard on Screen

Envisio City Strategic Plan Public Dashboard

Envisio is a plan management and reporting software that assists in increasing transparency and accountability between City staff and the public. Below is a link to the City of Las…

Inspector General for the City of Las Cruces

Charles T. Tucker Jr., is the Inspector General for the City of Las Cruces. He will be conducting in-community office hours with city residents during 2024. Community meetings will run…

Opioid Settlement Funds

The opioid epidemic specifically refers to the growing number of deaths and hospitalizations from opioids, including both prescription and illicit drugs. Prescription drugs were used to treat pain but also…

Potential Quorum Notice

The Potential Quorum Notice (PQN) is a list of events that the Mayor and City Council have been invited to attend.  No public policy will be formulated by any members…

Public Records

Access to public records is one of the fundamental rights afforded to people in a democracy.  Every person has a right to inspect public records of this state except: Records…