The City Public Works Department invested in a pavement management software that serves as a systematic and scientific tool to evaluate our streets to determine need, priority and appropriate pavement maintenance treatment. Using this software, the Public Works Department implemented a Pavement Management Program that focuses on keeping good streets in good conditions while providing the most efficient use of available and limited resources.
The Pavement Management Program is the sum of all actions the Public Works Department undertakes to maintain and provide functional, safe, and reliable streets for the traveling public. It consists of routine maintenance (pothole patching, localized repairs). Preventive maintenance (micro-surfacing, crack sealing), rehabilitation (mill and overlay, pavement replacement), and full reconstruction.
Valuable Tool
This software, along with the staff’s expertise and coordination with the Utilities Department, has proven to be a valuable tool in developing city-wide street lists for pavement maintenance treatments, rehabilitation treatments, and reconstruction projects for inclusion in the Capital Improvements Plan. It has also allowed staff to explore and implement creative pavement management strategies, such as pavement replacement and cape seal (chip seal followed by a thin layer of asphalt slurry) projects, to extend the pavement’s life and delay the time at which major repairs are necessary on many of our residential streets.
Commitment to Improvement
The City is committed to addressing pavement conditions and street reconstruction to protect the investment made in our transportation infrastructure while getting the most for our dollar. The city looks forward to completing street improvement projects and making needed improvements to our street system.
The Public Works Department completed a re-evaluation on the condition of City streets/roads.
Pavement maintenance projects are included in the portal below. Click on a street in the list, and the system takes you to the location on the map. The listed information includes the segment of the street, the treatment type and the estimated treatment date.