District 1 – Cassie McClure


Cassie McClure is a writer, millennial, and unapologetic fan of the Oxford comma. She waited out the not-so-Great Recession by getting a master’s in rhetoric and professional communication to follow up a bachelor’s in journalism and mass communication and a bachelor’s in German – all from New Mexico State University. She’s lived in Las Cruces, New Mexico, since 2003.

With a dad who was in the United States Air Force and a German mother, she navigates her bicultural background alongside her bicultural marriage to a Mexican national from Ciudad Juárez, with whom she has two young children.

Since 2013, McClure has run the content creation agency McClure Publications and has had clients such as Las Cruces Utilities, NMSU’s Arrowhead Center, and the South Central Solid Waste Authority. Her freelance writing has been published in the Las Cruces Sun-News, Las Cruces Magazine, Neighbors Magazine, Las Cruces Bulletin, and Su Casa Magazine.

McClure has written the column “My So-Called Millennial Life” since 2016 in the Las Cruces Sun-News and, since 2020, has been nationally syndicated through the Creators Syndicate. A book of her columns was published in 2023.

McClure was the chair of the City of Las Cruces Parks and Recreation Advisory board, serving for six years, and the vice chair of the J. Paul Taylor Academy Governance Council. She’s a board member for New Mexico Writers and the KRWG Patron Board. She’s the past president of the Las Cruces Press Women and past secretary of New Mexico Press Women.

Powers & Duties

City Charter Section 2.04 General Powers and Duties

All powers of the city shall be vested in the council, except as otherwise provided by law or this Charter, and the council shall provide for the exercise thereof and for the performance of all duties and obligations imposed on the city by law.

2010 District 1 Census

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Contact your District 1 Councilor

Email Cassie McClure: cmcclure@lascruces.gov

Phone: (575) 541-2073

District 1 Map