Boards, Committees, and Commissions

Individual Right of Access & Speaking at Public Meetings

Anyone may speak and express a point of view at the meetings of the City’s boards and committees during the Public Input sections outlined in a meeting’s agenda. If you’re unsure when that occurs, check with the appropriate staff member associated with that board or committee and ask for assistance before the meeting begins, or contact the City Clerk’s Office for details any other time.

Serving on a Board, Committee, or Commission

The City of Las Cruces’ Boards, Committees and Commissions are comprised of concerned citizens who volunteer their time, knowledge, and expertise to make a difference in their community. Duties of the boards, commissions or committees may include serving in an advisory capacity to the City Council, examining in-depth issues such as park development and planning and zoning, or making funding recommendations to City Council. The work of these volunteers assist the Council and contributes directly to the quality of life in Las Cruces.

Appointment Process

Boards, Committees and Commissions have been established by City Council via Ordinance or Resolution and/or state law. Applications are accepted by the City Clerk’s Office year-round and are kept on file for three years. As vacancies occur on the various boards, applications on file are reviewed. Appointments are made at the Regular City Council meetings and applicants will be notified by the City Clerk’s Office.

Additional Information

For more information, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 575-541-2115.

Capital Improvements Advisory Committee

The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee meets on the 4th Thursday of Every Month  at 1:30 PM in the Utilities Conference Room Center, Room 218 located at 680 N. Motel Blvd, Las Cruces NM 88007.

*Please note that this schedule may vary due to holiday schedules

The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) advise and assist the City in adopting land use assumptions, which includes a description of the service area and projection of changes, and land uses, densities, intensities, and population in the service area over at least a five-year period. They review the capital improvements plan that identifies capital improvements or facility expansion, for which impact fees may be assessed, file written comments, and monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan.

The committee also files annual reports with respect to the progress of the capital improvements plan and report to the City through the City Manager any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing impact fees. It also advises the City of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, impact fees, and advises the City regarding growth management strategies.

Utilities Board

The Utilities Board meets on the 2nd Thursday of Every Month at 3:00 PM in the Utilities Board Room, Room 225 located at 680 N. Motel Blvd, Las Cruces NM 88007.

*Board work sessions are generally scheduled prior to the scheduled board meeting. Please note that the schedule may vary due to holiday schedules.


The Utilities Board consists of seven Commissioners, two of whom are seated City Councilors. The City Manager and the Utilities Director serve as ex-officio nonvoting members of the Utilities Board, except when one of the Commissioners is unable to vote. The City Manager serves as Director of the Board, while the Utilities Director serves as Secretary. A list of the current Board members is available on their Onboard website.


The Utilities Board was initially formed in December 2006 by the Las Cruces City Council through a series of Governing Ordinances.

Policy Review Committees

Serving on the Policy Review Committees

Each committee will have Mayor and/or Council members, one Assistant City Manager (ACM), City staff members, and community members. Community members may be individual subject matter experts or representatives of agencies or other organizations; they may be invited to participate as particular issues are being addressed.

Getting the Committee Started

At initial meetings scheduled with the identified Mayor/Councilors, ACM, and City staff, the committees will establish:

  • Community membership – Who will be invited?
  • Governance – One elected body member (Mayor/Council) will chair
  • Issue development – How will topics be generated and developed?
  • Meeting schedule – When and how often? Minimum: quarterly
  • Reporting – When and how will this be done?


As part of the City’s strategic plan, the Council is focused on providing opportunities for the community to experience greater engagement with their City government. The intent of the Policy Review Committees is for Council, staff, and the community to come together to review and develop policies that enhance the City of Las Cruces. Councilors will work with the community to explore, discover, and discern policy in key areas such as housing, education, public safety, transportation, and capital improvements.

List of Committees

City Art Board


The board comprises seven volunteer members appointed by the Mayor with advice and consent of the City Council. A list of members is available via Onboard.

Creation & Duties

The City recognizes that quality of life isn’t only represented by good streets, reliable utilities, or the many programs and services provided. Quality of life is enhanced by the support of a community’s art and cultural resources. The City of Las Cruces supports artists in the community. The City Council passed Ordinance 2674 (PDF) creating the City Art Board in 2013.

The City Council passed Resolution 15-126 (PDF) in 2014 establishing a dedicated funding source for the solicitation of artists, the procurement, installation, and maintenance of current and future pieces of public art by setting aside 1% of the general fund in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The City Council approved Resolution 16-043 (PDF) establishing the City Art Board’s Strategic Plan in 2015.

Meet the  City Art Board. The board serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council in matters related to public art.

Adam Amador, Ph.D., Board Chair

Dr. Amador is a lifelong educator and proud Las Crucen who serves the community to the best of his ability. He is Chief Academic Officer at Alma d’Arte Charter High School and serves on multiple civic organization boards. Adam has over 20 years experience as a musician/artist. He joined the board to advocate for art and artists that express and display the essence of Las Cruces and the surrounding area.

Chantelle Yazzie-Martin, Board Vice-Chair

Chantelle grew up in Smith Lake, NM and is part of the Navajo tribe. With a Master’s in Social Work, they work as a mental health clinician, photographer, and artist addressing Indigenous social justice issues and cultural preservation among their intersecting identities using a variety of media including photography, sculpture, graphic design, and embroidery.

Melanie Grey Brown, Board Secretary

Melanie made her home in Las Cruces in 2019 after relocating from Santa Fe.  Previously, she practiced commercial/institutional architecture, historic preservation and urban planning for over 25 years in Chicago and Washington, DC as a Principal Project Manager for both domestic and international projects. She also has a background in fine art, primarily oil painting and sculpture/cast bronze work.

Susan Polka, Board Member

Susan believes in the importance of making art accessible to all and that public art is a great way to do this. She hopes to assist in the duties required to plan, fund and accomplish goals set by the board. Las Cruces is a city loaded with talent. We should being seeing more of it on our streets and plazas. Susan has been married for nearly forty years with two sons. One is a muralist and fine artist living in Oakland. He has repeatedly stressed the value of public art. Along with creating mosaics and eco-printing, she loves to garden, swim and explore the great outdoors.”

Cecilia Vargas, Board Member (bio and photo pending)

Angel Velasquez, Board Member (bio and photo pending)

Join the City Art Board – submitted applications will be considered as vacancies on the board become available.

Parks & Recreation Advisory Board


Location: Parks & Recreation Conference Room, 1501 E. Hadley Avenue, Las Cruces NM 88001

Time: 6:00 PM

When: 3rd Thursday of each month


The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of seven members appointed by the mayor and city councilors, who shall appoint one member each to this board. Each Park and Recreation Board member serves a total of four years. Section 2-347 – Composition: appointments (Code 1988, Section 2-222)

  • Fred Ralsh – Chair
    • Term: April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2028
  • Miley Sarah Grandjean – District 1
    • Term: May 1, 2024 to March 31, 2028
  • Charles L. Beard – District 2
    • Term: July 17, 2024 – March 31, 2028
  • Aracely Tellez – District 3
    • Term: September 6, 2022 – March 31, 2026
  • Alana Bradley – District 4
    • Term: April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2024
  • Kylie Aleja Jenkins – District 5
    • Term: August 5, 2024 – TBD
  • Laura Haas – Vice Chair – District 6
    • November 28, 2022 – November 28, 2025

Duties & Responsibilities

Agendas are also available online. Past Parks & Recreation Advisory Board minutes can be found here

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Parks & Recreation Youth Board

Who We Are

The Youth Advisory Board is comprised of 16 school-age teenagers, who serve a one-year term on the board. They meet bi-monthly and learn about City government and the decision-making process, the community, and will have opportunities to provide input on various topics all the while, providing a youth perspective to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and management. Past members are selected to serve as officers and lead the board meetings.

Board Members

  • Are selected through an application and interview process, commit to a two-year term.
  • Meet the first Thursday of every month.
  • Learn about the community, City government and opportunities business, banking and the nonprofit world can offer.
  • Gain experience in leadership and business etiquette.
  • Provide a youth perspective to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board and City Management.
  • Participate in special functions and events.

Interested in joining the PRYB?

We are currently opening the process for youth to apply for the Parks & Recreation Youth Board.

Each spring, we encourage current 7th – 12th graders who live in the city to apply for the next school year. No previous leadership experience is necessary. Applications are now available and due back by November 30.

A committee of Parks & Recreation Department staff, Parks & Recreation Advisory Board members, and designees will review the applications and interview applicants. New members will be invited to join based on their potential to positively contribute to the board’s work and their capacity to represent the diversity of Las Cruces’ youth community.

What we Do

  • Provide a platform for young people to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
  • Promote the youth voice in Las Cruces.
  • Implement community projects to help address youth needs through action teams.
  • Plan and run our own meetings.
  • Advise local agencies on youth-related issues, including the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City departments.

Learn More

For more information, call Parks and Recreation at 575-541-2550, or email the Youth Board with questions!

PRYB Documents