National Community Survey

What makes Las Cruces a Great place to live or work? Do you think that your answer matches those of your neighbor? Your Friends? What about your parents or grandparents?

We recognize that our reasons and answers come with past experiences and what we are hoping to accomplish in the future. We also know that our answers can change over time.

We’re sharing what Las Cruces residents had to say about their community when they responded to the most recent National Community Survey (NCS), a means of measuring how we feel about the economy, mobility, community design, utilities, safety, natural environment, parks & recreation, health and wellness, education, arts and culture, and inclusivity and engagement.

We recognize that in this post COVID19 timeframe, results are very different than they were before a pandemic shut down much of society and halted the economy. Health concerns are more front of mind and many of our neighbors are still rebuilding what they lost or pivoting to start something completely from the ground up.

We are thankful for those that shared their opinions so that we can use their feedback to help shape the way City Government can help maintain or exceed expectations.

Here are some highlighted findings from the survey:

Las Cruces is a Good Place to Visit

Places to go, people to see, things to do…. Las Cruces is a good place to visit – Whether you are in the heart of downtown Las Cruces during a Saturday morning Farmers and Crafts market or attending a live event at the AmadorLive District, there is something for everyone and every budget. You may find familiarity or a new experience in the culture and food but also a kindness in the people of Las Cruces, that invites you to return.

Vibrancy of Downtown

Downtown has an increasing appeal to everyone from festival goers with events like Mira! Festival to those seeking stimulation of the mind at a Museum of Nature and Science interactive exhibit. It’s no accident that a vibrant downtown came with years of planning that included with street redesign, working with small businesses and having an open mind when it comes to new fresh ideas like Pizza Fest. We have come a long way, and we still have milestones we would like to create and hit. Let’s do this together and keep the momentum alive.

Economic Opportunities as an Area of Improvement

There are some areas in the city where improvements are needed. Since COVID19, we have learned that not every business had the support it needed to make it through some tough times, but as we learn and grow, we want you to come along for the ride.

If grant programs and incentives can assist, we want you to participate. Jobs were lost, jobs were gained. We offer programs to help those in need find the training to get to the next step. The City’s Economic Development Department has a magnitude of employment services programs to help job seekers climb the corporate ladder or create their own destiny with entrepreneurship. Ready to take the next step with your business? The City promotes an Innovation and Industrial Park to expand and explore what’s next.

Affordability of Housing a Concern

Worried about families and those who need a little assistance to find financial independence? The City of Las Cruces has been working hard behind the scenes to secure funding and buy in for affordable housing. Perhaps you have saved up, and now you are waiting for the home of your dreams only to realize the housing market is tougher to penetrate. What if you can get a boost and what if we gave you or helped you to find the step ladder to get there? Affordable housing is being made available through General Obligation Bond votes. These votes come from those in your community who understand the need or are personally affected by housing prices and interest rates that are just not attainable for some. Thank you, Las Cruces for helping to make this community a place people want to move to. Now let’s help those folks get into a home they can call their own and have one less thing to worry about other than gas prices, a longer commute to work because they live outside of Las Cruces city limits and high rental costs.

Las Cruces Utilities Are Doing Well

Las Cruces water is delicious and refreshing, but if you think it gets to your tap by magic, we may need to sit down and have a talk. The City’s Utilities Department has working professionals that carefully monitor your water for safety and let’s face it, for taste and others who make sure it gets from the water sources to your home with no additional markups for profit. How cool is it that Las Cruces Utilities (LCU) also wants to save you money in the event your water lines are faulty. The City’s Utility Hawk program can help you detect a leak and help you save money before you find out too late that the precious resource is being wasted and your bill increases due to a line break at your home. Sign up for Utility Hawk on our website to have your service monitored for any inconsistencies.  LCU has other programs meant to protect the environment. Attend a Lush and Lean Workshop to learn how to prevent water waste with irrigation or using the best types of plants suited for desert conditions. 

Public Safety is Important to our Community

Let’s talk about Safety and Security. We know you already are! Las Cruces is on its way to adding quicker response times to fire and medical emergencies with the addition of fire station 9. GO bond voters already thought a new station 3 was a priority, and with a growing East Mesa, an additional fire station will mean more jobs for the city and more locations for training, community engagement and town hall meetings. The Las Cruces Mobile Integrated Health program and Project Light (Lessen the Incidence of Grief, Harm, and Trauma) driven by the fire department both help our community respond to healthcare and mental health care problems.

Both Las Cruces Fire and Police Departments are recruiting and holding academies to ensure the workforce is maintained and ready to grow with our expanding city. Staff are crucial to address attrition and growth. Reinforcing staff helps to make sure programs like National Night Out can grow and thrive and new programs like Bridging the Badge (interactive digital meetings) can be offered with potential to grow and foster more and better community/emergency responder relationships.

The City of Las Cruces has commissioned the National Community Survey, a collaborative effort between Polco (formerly the National Research Center) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). The survey captures residents’ opinions on areas related to the City government and the community. If you have questions about the survey, email the Community Engagement Office.

View Current and Past Surveys and Corresponding Findings