Have questions or need assistance with your community development projects? The City of Las Cruces Community Development team is here to help. Our dedicated staff is ready to provide you with the information and support you need to navigate the development process. Whether you’re looking for guidance on permits, zoning, planning, or any other aspect of community development, we’re just a call or email away. Reach out to us today to connect with experts who are committed to helping you succeed. Your vision for our community starts with a conversation. Contact us through our phone number, email, or visit our office for personalized assistance. Let’s build a better Las Cruces together.
Point of Contact | Phone Number | Email Address |
Community Development Office | (575) 528-3043 | Communitydevelopment@lascruces.gov |
Code Enforcement/Fugitive Dust | 575 541-2008 | ganaya@lascruces.gov |
Community Development Director | (575) 541-2150 | cfaivre@lascruces.gov |
Community Development Deputy Director | (575) 528-3089 | tpitts@lascruces.gov |
Community Development Deputy Director | (575) 528-3067 | dweir@lascruces.gov |
Permitting Desk | (575) 528-3059 | inspectionrequest@lascruces.gov |
Historic Preservation | (575) 541-2150 | cfaivre@lascruces.gov |
Building Department | (575) 528-3059 | inspectionrequest@lascruces.gov |
Planning | (575) 528-3043 | planningnzoning@lascruces.gov |
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) | (575) 528-3225 | Mpo6326@CityLC.onmicrosoft.com |
Physical Address:
700 N Main Street
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 20000
Las Cruces, NM 88001
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM