Business Incentives

The City of Las Cruces offers a variety of programs designed to foster economic growth and support business development within our community. Explore opportunities like the Renovate Main Street grant program, which incentivizes private investment in downtown through building improvement matching grants. Learn about Opportunity Zones that encourage long-term private sector investment in low-income communities, and discover how Tax Increment Development Districts (TIDDs) utilize gross receipts tax financing for public infrastructure to boost economic development.

Renovate Main Street

Application Below

Renovate Main Street is a building improvement matching grant program to incentivize private investment in downtown and encourage economic development growth. The City of Las Cruces is now accepting applications (PDF) for Renovate Main Street grants to encourage businesses and property owners in the downtown to upgrade and improve their buildings.

The Renovate Main Street Program will provide financial reimbursement for the improvement and rehabilitation of Main Street properties intended as storefronts of retail, restaurant and entertainment for-profit businesses. The Renovate Main Street program will reimburse half of the costs for eligible projects up to $25,000 per project.

To be eligible, your business must be located with the boundaries of the Metropolitan Redevelopment Area (MRA).  The area is bound on the north by Picacho Avenue, on the east by Campo Street, on the south by the intersection of El Paseo Rd. and Main St., and on the west by Alameda Boulevard. Click here for a map.

Application Process

  1. Grant applications (PDF) may be submitted at any time during the year. funding will be awarded on first come, first serve basis until the grant funds have all been dispersed.
  2. A complete application form shall be submitted by emailing Downtown Las Cruces, including:
    1. Proposal of economic development benefits, such as: new tenants, new jobs, increased sales
    2. Property information: price per square foot, leaseable area
    3. Appropriate drawings, budget estimates, project timelines, or proof of ownership or executed leased with owner’s written consent
    4. Applicants are required to submit before and after photos during the project completion presentation done before the EDIC
    5. If property is under a lease agreement, written consent from tenant on project and timeline of completion
  3. The Applicant will attend preliminary presentation meeting and a post completion meeting with the EDIC members.
  4. If plans change, revised plans must be submitted to POC within two business days of decision to change. Revisions must be approved before undertaking project changes.
  5. If approved, an agreement for the Renovate Main Street grant shall be signed by Applicant, Contractor, and the City of Las Cruces.
  6. Once the contract is signed, the general contractor is required to register as a vendor with the City of Las Cruces so that a purchase order (PO) can be issued.

Eligible Improvements

Eligible improvements include, but are not limited to:

Interior Improvements:

  • Accessibility improvements
  • Electrical work, including service upgrades
  • Energy conservation improvements
  • Fire alarm system
  • Fire sprinkler system installation or upgrade, including any needed water service improvements
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Heating, ventilation, or air conditioning
  • Lighting
  • Other infrastructure improvements, as approved, with a significant impact on the building owner’s ability to attract highest and best use of tenants and/or increase sales for current tenant
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Restoration of building such as ceilings, light fixtures, and floors
  • Utility services upgrades, including water and sewer

Exterior Improvements

  • Green Infrastructure
  • Masonry work
  • Material costs
  • Other infrastructure improvements, as approved, with a significant impact on the building owner’s ability to attract highest and best use of tenants and/or increase sales for current tenant
  • Repair and replacement of signs and awnings
  • Repair and restoration of architectural detail, including facade improvements
  • Roof repair
  • Window repair

Contact Economic Development

Email Economic Development:


Physical Address: 700 N. Main Street, Suite 1100, Las Cruces, NM 88001

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 20000, Las Cruces, NM 88004

Phone: (575) 541-2425