Hold Your Event Downtown
Main Street Downtown is a great place to hold your next event. Complete the Downtown Event Application (PDF) and call downtown staff at 575-541-2191 or email Downtown staff.
Special Dispenser Permit Applications
Notice: Special Dispenser Permit Applications no longer need to go through the City Council resolution process. The City Manager is now authorized to sign Special Dispenser Permit Applications per Resolution 17-091. If you would like to serve alcoholic beverages on City property at your event, it is recommended that alcoholic beverage vendors deliver permit applications to the City Attorney’s office 3 to 4 weeks before the event for proper review by departments, the City Attorney, and the City Manager.
Downtown Las Cruces Partnership
The Downtown Las Cruces Partnership (DLCP) is a state and nationally certified Main Street organization that embraces a vision to create an economically vibrant downtown. DLCP is a coalition of downtown stakeholders that work in collaboration with the City of Las Cruces and the State of New Mexico to create and support a climate for emerging businesses and an environment that stimulates future business development. They are a not for profit organization that is funded by the City of Las Cruces and the donations of downtown supporters. Their revitalization strategies center on a successful national effort, the Main Street Approach, which focuses on design, organization, promotions/marketing and economic development strategies to accomplish the revitalization of historic downtown communities across the nation. Click for more information