The City of Las Cruces Employment Services page is designed to connect job seekers with employment opportunities, direct them to assistance with resume building and interviews, and link them to additional training opportunities. There are also resources for youth employment.
Click the tabs below to find resources to help you on your journey to a great new career!
Search Job Opportunities at Key Organizations in Las Cruces
- Explore jobs in New Mexico: New Mexico Workforce Connection
Go to “Individual” and create an account for all Job Seeker Services. Then click on New Mexico Workforce Connection On-Line System
- City of Las Cruces
- Dona Ana County
- Las Cruces Public Schools
- New Mexico State University
- Mountain View Regional Medical Center
- Memorial Medical Center
- Dona Ana Community College
- Town of Mesilla
Additional Online Resources
- Work with a Career Councilor at New Mexico Workforce Connection in Las Cruces
(575) 524-6250 - NMSU Employment Services
Office of Experiential Learning, (575) 646-1631
Center for Academic Advising and Student Support,
(575) 646-2941 - DACC Career Services
Tiffany Brooks,, (575) 528-7009
Bertha Cordova-VanMatre,, (575) 528-7324
Online Services
- New Mexico Workforce Connection
Go to “Individual” and create an account for all Job Seeker Services
Then click on New Mexico Workforce Connection On-Line System and scroll to Job Seeker Services/Resume Builder
- Virtual Webinars and Events
Training and Education Options
- NMSU 4 Year Degrees and Graduate Programs, (575) 646-3121
- DACC Certificates and AAS (2 year) Degrees, (575) 527-7500
- DACC Workforce Development and Career Readiness. Non-credit training and professional development skills, (575) 527-7526, (575) 527-7776
Adult Basic Education
- Dona Ana Community College
- Chaparral Learning Center, (575) 824-2010
- Gadsden Learning Center, (575) 882-6813
- Quintana Learning Center, (575) 527-7540
- Sunland Park Learning Center, (575) 874-7790
- Workforce Center off Nevada Street, (575) 528-7477
Financial Assistance for Training and Education
- WIOA – Workforce Connection, (575) 524-6250
- Your Bridge2Careers
Self-directed online options
Connect with a Career Councilor in Las Cruces
- New Mexico Workforce Connection in Las Cruces, (575) 524-6250
- NMSU Career Advising,, (575) 646-2941
- DACC Career Services
Tiffany Brooks Phone: (575) 528-7009 - Bertha Cordova Van-Matre 575-528-7324
Dislocated Workers Program for Those Who Have Lost a Job
Start with Workforce Connections and get referral for Dislocated Worker/WIOA Services, (575) 524-6250
Department of Vocational Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities
NM DVR website under “Online Referral.”, (575) 524-6135
Opportunities for Low Income Seniors
- Senior Community Services Employment (SCSE)
PT work; up to 4 years for Low Income Seniors
Aging and Long-Term Services Department, (505) 948-9266 - Goodwill Industries of New Mexico, (575)323-5146
- Senior Community Services Employment (SCSE)
- Your Bridge2Careers - Career Readiness and ACE (Academic Career Experience)
(575) 644-3057
A mentor Career Specialist at each high school to assist with career planning and practice
Career based programs of study connected to industry and economic need
Early field-based experiences through “ACE” with access to over 100 local business
Students work with guidance counselors to participate - Career Technical Student Organizations
State and National membership based professional organizations that engage student members in career and technical education activities as co-curriculum with HS Career Technical Education classes.
Students work with guidance counselors to participate - Dual Credit Classes
Earn HS and College credits at the same time
(575) 646-1055 - Job Corp Roswell, (575) 779-2670
Sofia Hughes-OA-RJCC