No, it is not a drug reference or about a girl going down a rabbit hole. ALICE is an acronym forArtists +LibrariesInnovativeCollaborativeEntrepreneurship. The name is a nod to Alice Branigan, who founded the first Las Cruces city library in memory of her husband, Thomas Branigan. The Ask ALICE program is a partnership between the Las Cruces Public Libraries, Public Art, and Economic Development. “What I Know Now” panel discussion with artists Brian Fallstead, Irene Oliver Lewis, and Chris Bardey Ask ALICE includes artist professional development programming that we call the “Art Smarter, Not Harder” workshop series hosted by Las Cruces Public Art. We are already halfway through our workshops, with the February and March workshops being very well received. Coming up in April is a discussion with artist SABA and attorney Steve McLary about e-Commerce how-to’s and artist rights. In May, we have a two-day, all-day workshop, “Making It Public”, facilitated by Forecast that focuses on public art. The conference style workshop covers topics such as community engagement, funding public art projects, and doing taxes. Lunch will be provided for attendees at this workshop.
Clay workshop in the Ask ALICE makerspace Classes offered under Ask ALICE are hands-on creative arts and crafts taught by artists in the Thomas Branigan Memorial Library makerspace. The library has also created a Library of Things that features items that can be borrowed with a library card to use at home, such as cake pans, crafting supplies, and sewing machines.
All programming is free of charge made possible by a New Mexico Creative Industries Department grant. Registration is recommended as classes and workshops have limited attendance. Ask ALICE is a rare opportunity to make connections with artist peers, creative professionals, and other resources that are invaluable to all creatives. Go more information and to register. It’s time to Ask ALICE!
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