Public Art Master Plan

The Las Cruces Public Art Master Plan

Under Resolution 20-111, the Las Cruces Pubilc Art Master Plan was adopted by City Council on March 2, 2020.  The master planning process, which began in late 2018, engaged people throughout Las Cruces to share their perspective on the future of public art in the community. Hundreds of people attended a round-table discussion, responded to our online survey, joined us for a tour of public art in El Paso, were interviewed by our consultants, or engaged with us at National Night Out. The resulting plan draws from these many conversations, as well as multiple work sessions with the City Art Board and plan advisory committees.

The Las Cruces Public Art Master Plan is meant to be a guide for Las Cruces Public Art (the City’s public art program), the City Art Board, City staff and anyone interested in collaborating with the City on public art such as the program’s vision and mission, administrative guidelines, and/or recommended public art projects.

Depending on your orientation to and relationship with LCPA you will be more interested in some areas of the Plan than others. We don’t anticipate that most people will read it all.  The Executive Summary provides a good introduction to the Plan and may help you identify sections that most interest you.

Read the plan here.