Buena Vida Park Public Art Project


La Buena Vida Park Public Art Project

Budget: $40,000

Eligibility: This commission is open to local/regional artists/artist teams residing within a 150-mile radius of Las Cruces.

DEADLINE: November 4, 2024

APPLY: La Buena Vida Park CaFÉ Link (www.callforentries.com) 

Project Intent


Las Cruces Public Art (LCPA) of the Quality of Life Department (QOL), City of Las Cruces seeks a local/regional artist/artist team to create a free-standing outdoor art piece to be installed at La Buena Vida Park, 3000 Buena Vida Circle. LCPA wishes to commission an art piece that will be installed near the picnic area of the park. (See photos below)

Overhead shot of La Buena Vida Park art location
Overhead view of proposed artwork site. Marked in yellow.
Street view of La Buena Vida Park proposed art work site.
Street view of La Buena Vida Park proposed art site.


This commission is open to local/regional artists/artist teams residing within a 150-mile radius of Las Cruces, regardless of race, color, creed, gender, gender variance, national origin, age, religion, marital status, political opinion, or affiliation, or mental or physical handicap.

Artists working in any media are eligible to apply, but special consideration will be given to artists experienced in 3-D work. Artists are not required to have previous experience in public art but should demonstrate a level of expertise and professionalism that is commensurate with the project scope and budget.

La Buena Vida Site Information

La Buena Vida Park is located at 3000 Buena Vida Circle (City Council District 2.) It is a popular neighborhood spot for walking along the trails that wind through the natural landscape of the park. A covered picnic area is conveniently located off a small parking lot. The xeriscape surrounding the picnic area provides a perfect setting for a sculpture art piece.

Artists are encouraged to visit the site to better understand its layout and context.

Project Amount 

$40,000.00 is available to the selected artist or artist team for the completed and installed project. Project amount includes all fees and expenses associated with the design, fabrication and installation of the project, including but not limited to: the completed work of art, ladders, scissor-lift, scaffolding, materials, equipment, labor, cement pad, lighting, certifications and permits, engineering documents, insurance, taxes, shipping, identification plaque, and written and professional photographic documentation of the completed project. There is no other funding. Refer to Artist’s Scope of Work for additional information.

Design Considerations

Aesthetically and thematically, the art piece should:

  • Be site-specific
  • Create a landmark
  • Reflect the environment and/or purpose of the park
  • Add visual interest and beauty to the park

Physical Attributes of the art piece:

  • This is not a mural project. Mural concepts will not be considered.
  • May be conceptual or representational
  • Free-standing
  • May be composed of more than one stand-alone piece
  • Three-dimensional and can be of single or varied durable mediums and finishes
  • Must be safe, low maintenance, and expected to be a permanent fixture
  • Shall meet the following environmental criteria: UV/sun resistant, non-glare, no blinking lights, no distracting sounds, and no use of water  

Artist’s Scope of Work 


The selected artist or artist team shall collaborate with the City of Las Cruces QOL/LCPA Public Art Coordinator in the specification, execution, and completion of this project.

The artist or artist team ultimately awarded the commission project will be required to enter into a Professional Services Contract with the City of Las Cruces.

Project Specifications:

  • At the artist’s expense, a licensed practitioner in the State of New Mexico, whether electrical, civil, or structural, must provide any necessary documents as required for certifications and/or permits for installation of the artwork. If necessary, the artwork shall be reviewed by a professional fine art conservator.
  • La Buena Vida Park artwork may be constructed of any medium but must be of structural and surface soundness and materials that can withstand outside and uncovered weather conditions (desert climate: high winds, extreme temperatures) as well as inherent resistance to theft, vandalism, and excessive maintenance and repair costs. The artwork shall meet the following environmentally safe criteria with consideration of vicinity to roadways and animals: UV/sun resistant, limited off-gassing, non-toxic, non-glare, no blinking lights, no distracting sounds, and no water features.
  • Artwork must be installed in a manner with sufficient anchoring to prevent being removed, tipped, broken, or overturned due to high wind. The City reserves the right to review and approve the artist’s proposed installation plan and may request additional information from a New Mexico licensed engineer (hired by the artist) to address safety concerns the City may have.
  • The structural base to support the art piece is entirely the artist’s responsibility. This includes design, structural review, necessary City approvals/permits, construction, and all associated costs.
  • Lighting is required. Electrical service will be negotiated/stipulated by the artist in the contract phase.
  • Delivered art, which has possible content or construction quality issues identified during inspection, shall be reviewed by a professional fine art conservator or engineer at the artist’s expense if required.
  • Delivered art that differs significantly from approved design will be disqualified.
  • An area on or near the artwork will be specified for a plaque that indicates the name of the artist, title, materials, and the year installed. The City Public Art listing shall include: the name of the artist, title, materials, year installed, 100-word narrative about the artwork and artist. 

Submission Requirements 

Eligibility for qualification is open to all local or regional artists or artist teams residing within 150 miles of Las Cruces through the CaFÉ call. Artists submitting qualifications should demonstrate a level of expertise and professionalism that is commensurate with the project scope and budget. No member of the current City Art Board, Art Selection Committee, or employee of the City of Las Cruces, New Mexico, may apply for this project.

Link to La Buena Vida Park Public Art Project :  All materials must be submitted online, via the CaFÉ website (www.callforentry.org). There is no application fee to apply or to use the CaFÉ online application system.

Please read the following information carefully. Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted. The Art Selection Committee will not review supplemental information beyond what is requested, including proposals specific to this project. Failure to provide any of the published requirements will result in disqualification from the competition. Duplicate submissions will not be accepted. All materials must be submitted via CaFÉ according to the specifications outlined below.

  • Succinct letter of interest no longer than one page written specifically to address the needs of the project. Please explain what excites you about the opportunity, and how you may approach the project if selected as a finalist. Outline your professional qualifications.
  • A current chronological resume or curriculum vitae demonstrating relevant work experience, particularly public art or privately funded commission projects. A biography or an autobiography will not fulfill the resume requirement.
  • Two to 10 images of previously completed work, which may include multiple views. Complete image citations will be required. Documentation should include artwork title, medium, height, width and depth, price or value, year of completion, and project description, including budget and commissioning agency.
  • Please review and adhere to the image and media preparation page on CaFÉ when formatting your images or videos. By default, CaFÉ will organize the images in our submission alphabetically. If you wish to present the images to the Selection Committee in a different order, you must prioritize the images before submitting an application. 

Selection Process 


Artists may research the project using any resource with the exception of discussion with individual members of the City of Las Cruces staff, the Las Cruces City Art Board or Art Selection Committee. The Art Selection Committee may only discuss rankings among themselves when they meet to determine the semi-finalists.

An Art Selection Committee will comprise at least five members representing the City Art Board, City of Las Cruces and the community. Under the guidance of LCPA, the Art Selection Committee will be responsible for submission review, and selection of the semi-finalists. Said committee is also responsible to recommend the ultimate selection of the artist/artist team to be awarded the commissioned project to City Council.

The selection criteria shall include, but are not limited to:

  • The professional qualifications of the artist(s) as evidenced by the supporting materials.
  • Proven ability to undertake projects of the described scope, scale and budget.
  • Artistic merit and superior caliber craftsmanship as evidenced by the images.
  • Suitability of submission to project intent and site conditions.

Up to three semi-finalists will be invited to submit a formal proposal for the project. Artists will have 30 days from notification to prepare their proposals for an in-person presentation to the selection committee in a public forum. Semi-finalists will receive a $750.00 honorarium for their proposal, which shall include:

  • Maquette, at 1/8 scale.
  • Renderings, 2-D and/or 3-D representations.
  • Schedule/timeline for fabrication and installation.
  • Budget outline.
  • Suggested maintenance schedule.
  • Documented experience working with the proposed media as well as durability of the materials.
  • An in-person presentation of the artwork proposal is required of each semi-finalist to the Art Selection Committee in a public setting.

Project Schedule

  • November 4, 2024 – CaFÉ submission deadline.
  • Approximately 30 days from notification of semi-finalists to in-person presentation of proposals, maquettes, renderings, schedules and budgets.
  • Approximately 30 days from presentations to announcement and award of finalist/commission.
  • Time from award to contract signing will be determined by internal processes.
  • 6-8 months from contract signing to artwork installation completion.

Contractual Terms and Conditions 

A City of Las Cruces contract will be prepared and presented for consideration to the artist who is chosen. All terms will be reviewed with the final candidate prior to signature.  The artist warrants that (a) the work of art will be solely the result of the artistic effort of the artist; (b) the work of art is unique and original and does not infringe upon any copyright; (c) the work of art is an edition of one; (d) the work of art, or duplicate thereof, has not been accepted for sale elsewhere; (e) the work of art is free and clear of any encumbrances from any source whatsoever; and (f) the work of art will be free from faults of material and workmanship for a period of twelve months after installation by the artist and acceptance by the City. Copies of drawings, specifications, photos, and templates of the work of art, or which relate to the work of art, including all preliminary studies, shall be the property of the City following completion of the work of art. The artist may retain the original proposed model for the artist’s archives. Under these circumstances they shall not be used by the City except pursuant to a subsequent agreement in writing between the artist and the City. All of the items mentioned above shall become and remain the property of the City for its use without restriction. Upon satisfactory completion of installation and final acceptance of the work of the art, the City shall become the sole owner and titleholder of the work of art. There may be additional terms and conditions.

Commencement and Term of Agreement

The artist shall begin work upon receipt of the contract executed by the City and the artist. The work of art shall be completed and installed within 6-8 months of the execution of the contract.


Artist will receive 50% of the budget when the City accepts the signed contract, 25% upon receipt of photographs demonstrating the sculpture is ready for installation, and the final 25% after the City accepts awnership of the art piece.

To apply go to La Buena Vida Public Art Project