East Mesa Public Recreation Complex Public Art Project

Call For Artists – CLOSED

GO Bond – East Mesa Public Recreation Complex Public Art Project


Budget: $100,000 


Project Intent


Las Cruces Public Art (LCPA) seeks an artist or artist team to create a site-specific outdoor art piece to be designed and installed at the new East Mesa Public Recreation Complex (EMPRC). LCPA wishes to commission an art piece that will be installed in the new 10-acre park located in East Las Cruces. (see site plan).


This commission is open to all artists/artist teams, regardless of race, color, creed, gender, gender variance, national origin, age, religion, marital status, political opinion, or affiliation, or mental or physical handicap. Artists are not required to have previous experience in public art but should demonstrate a level of expertise and professionalism that is commensurate with the project scope and budget.

EMPRC Site Information

EMPRC is a new public recreation complex located off Sonoma Springs Ave. on the eastside of Las Cruces. The recreation complex will tentatively open to the public in Summer 2024. The recreation complex’s first phase is almost completed with two baseball fields, two soccer fields, eight pickleball courts, and a 10-acre park. The next phase will include sand volleyball courts and basketball courts. Plans include a skatepark and amphitheater in future phases.

EMPRC is in a Sonoma Ranch neighborhood against a backdrop of the Organ Mountains. The surrounding desert landscape remains untouched and is home to a variety of indigenous wildlife. Documented history of the property shows it was once covered by water that provided a habitat for the amphibian animals, such as giant jellyfish, that made their home there.

Proposed site for the artwork is in the 10-acre park near the intersection of Sonoma Springs Ave., the main access point to the recreation complex, and Camino Coyote Lane.

Artists may visit the site to better understand its layout and context.

Project Amount  

$100,000.00 is available to the selected artist or artist team for the completed and installed project. Project amount includes all fees and expenses associated with the design, fabrication and installation of the project, including but not limited to: the completed work of art, ladders, scissor-lift, scaffolding, materials, equipment, labor, cement pad, lighting, certifications and permits, engineering documents, insurance, taxes, shipping, identification plaque, and written and professional photographic documentation of the completed project. There is no other funding. Refer to Artist’s Scope of Work for additional information.

Project Schedule

  • June 4 is CaFÉ™ submission deadline.
  • Approximately 60 days from notification of semi-finalists to in-person presentation of proposals, maquettes, renderings, schedules and budgets.
  • Approximately 60 days from presentations to announcement and award of finalist/commission.
  • Time from award to contract signing will be determined by internal processes.
  • 12 months from contract signing to artwork installation completion.