Room Reservations

Study Rooms

Study Rooms are available by appointment, please email the reference desk, or call (575) 528-4005 to schedule.

Meeting Rooms

Branigan Memorial Library can accommodate a variety of public meetings and programs for local non-profit organizations. Users must agree to the Meeting Room Regulations by clicking to agree to the Terms and Conditions during the online request process.

Library and City of Las Cruces meetings and programs will always receive priority over those of other organizations and may preempt previously scheduled non-Library meetings. Programs by out-of-town organizations must be co-sponsored by a local group with the approval of the Library Administrator.

All meetings or programs must be free and open to the public. Library personnel will not be available to set up chairs and tables for meetings.

The Library cannot guarantee specialized equipment if they have not been reserved in advance. The Library does not provide office supplies, paper products or refreshments, nor does it provide staffing for events.

Click here to request a meeting room online.