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Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for March 26, 2024

Meeting will be held on March 26, 2024 6:00 pm at Council Chambers at City Hall, 700 N. Main Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico

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1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
    02-27-24 PNZ Minutes.pdf
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Acceptance of the Agenda
5. Public Participation
6. Postponements
7. Consent Agenda
    7.1. Case No. 24ZO3000007
        A request for approval of a final site plan, known as Metro West Phase 1, located within the Metro Verde Planned Unit Development (PUD). The proposed subdivision encompasses 17 ± acres, is zoned PUD and located at the northwest corner of Peachtree Hills Road and Red Hawk Golf Club. The final site plan proposes 98-single-family residential lots with a tract of land for drainage that will be dedicated to the City of Las Cruces. Submitted by Sierra Norte Development Inc., property owners. City Council District 5.
    7.2. Case No. 24ZO0500024
        A request to approve a zone change from UR (Urban Ranch) to REM (Residential Estate Mobile) for two lots each ± 1.15 acres in size and located at 6820 and 6860 Shannon Road. Submitted by Alberto Guillen, property owner. City Council District 6.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
    9.1. Case No. 23CS0500013
        A request for approval of a non-administrative replat known as Villa Mora Dam Replat No. 1. The subject property encompasses 56.51 + acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density Residential) and is located at 2040, 2045, 2060, & 2065 E. Madrid Avenue. Submitted by the City of Las Cruces, property owner. City Council District 1.
    9.2. Case No. 23CS0500152
        A request for approval of a preliminary plat called Arroyos at Settlers Pass Phase 2 Preliminary Plat. The subject property encompasses ± 19.636 acres, is zoned R-1b (Single-Family High Density) and located on the west side of Settlers Pass 765 + feet north of its intersection with Pacific Loop. The preliminary plat proposes 91 single-family residential lots and 5 tracts of land that will be dedicated to the city for multiple purposes including a park, drainage, utilities, pedestrian access, and future right-of-way. Submitted by Zia Engineering, representative. City Council District 5.
10. Discussion
11. Staff Announcements
12. Adjournment