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Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for June 25, 2024

Meeting will be held on June 25, 2024 6:00 pm at Council Chambers at City Hall, 700 N. Main Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico

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1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
    05-28-24 PNZ Minutes.pdf
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Postponements
5. Acceptance of the Agenda
6. Public Participation
7. Discussion
    7.1. Realize Las Cruces Status Report
8. Consent Agenda
    8.1. Case No. 24ZO0500053
        A request to approve a zone change from C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity) to R-1aM (Single-Family Medium Density Mobile) for a parcel of land encompassing 0.99 + acres and located at 6175 Lemo Road. Submitted by Supreme Investments, LLC., Representative. Council District 5.
    8.2. Case No. 24ZO1000039
        A request to approve a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a cannabis-based business less than the required 300-foot buffer distance from another cannabis-based business. The subject property is zoned M-1/M-2 (Industrial Standard), 1.01 ± acres in size, and is located at 1740 W. Hadley Avenue. Submitted by Leon Harris, Premier Highlife, representative. Council District 4.
9. Old Business
10. New Business
    10.1. Case No. 24VO0500054
        A request to approve a variance to deviate nine (9) feet and six (6) inches from the required ten (10) foot building separation requirement and to deviate two (2) feet and two (2) inches from the required three (3) foot accessory structure setback requirement for an existing porch on a property located at 6038 Solstice Street. The property is approximately 0.13 ± acres in size, is zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) and located within the Metro Verde PUD. Submitted by Christopher Baron, property owner. Council District 5.
    10.2. Case No. 24VO0500062
        A request to approve a variance to deviate of 68 feet to the maximum sign height of 12 feet and to deviate 521.67 square feet to the maximum sign size of 50 square feet for a proposed new sign that shall be located at 8951 Mountain Vista Parkway. The sign will be utilized for a new development on the subject property that encompasses 6.00 + acres and zoned LCIIP-C (Las Cruces Innovation and Industrial Park Overlay Zone Commercial District). Submitted by Texas Republic Signs, LLC., representative. Council District 4.
11. Staff Announcements
12. Adjournment