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Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for January 23, 2024

Meeting will be held on January 23, 2024 6:00 pm at Second Floor in Room 2007B and 2007C at City Hall, 700 N. Main Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico

Home > Multimedia Center > Agenda Center > Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for January 23, 2024

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
    12-19-23 PNZ Minutes.pdf
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Postponements
5. Acceptance of the Agenda
6. Public Participation
7. Consent Agenda
    7.1. Case No. 23VO0500092
        A variance to the square footage and number of freestanding signs for a property located 1621 Hickory Loop, encompassing 2.580 ± acres and zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development) with underlying zoning of C-2C (Commercial Medium Intensity-Conditional). Submitted by Superior Sign and Lighting, Representative. Council District 4. POSTPONED INDEFINITELY
    7.2. Case No. 23CS0500129
        A request to approve a non-administrative replat known as Santa Fe Mining Subdivision Replat No. 1. The proposed subdivision encompasses 2.15 ± acres in size, zoned M-1/M-2 (Industrial Standard) and located at 950 W. Amador Avenue. The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into two (2) new lots that are 0.83 ± acres to 1.32 ± acres in size. Submitted by Harcrow Surveying LLC, Representative. Council District 4.
    7.3. Case No. 23ZO5000146
        A request to approve of an Infill Development Process (IDP) proposal for the development of two vacant parcels located at 1211 and 1243 Barker Road, zoned C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity) and encompassing a combined acreage of 3.05 + acres. The IDP request includes deviations to the maximum lot size requirement for the C-2 zoning district and the required landscaping buffer. Submitted by MAB Real Estate, L.P., Representative. Council District 4.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
    9.1. Case No. 23CS0500116
        A request to approve a preliminary plat known as Tierra Del Sol Subdivision. The proposed preliminary plat encompasses 5.97 + acres, is zoned R-1aC (Single-Family Medium Density- Conditional) and located at the northwest corner of its intersection of Central Road and Mesa Drive. The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into thirty-two (32) new lots that range from 0.12 ± acres to 0.18 ± acres in size and two (2) tracts for the detention pond and mailbox cluster. Submitted by Souder, Miller & Associates, Representative. Council District 6.
    9.2. Case No. 23ZO1000147
        A Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a cannabis-based business less than the required 300-foot buffer distance from a single-family residential zoning district. The subject property is located at 2110 N. Alameda Blvd., encompassing 0.25 ± acres and is zoned C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity). Submitted by Brian & Brittany Johnston, property owners. Council District 4.
    9.3. Case No. 23ZO0500143
        A proposed zone change request from R-4C (Multi-Dwelling High Density & Limited Retail and Office-Conditional) to R-4 (Multi-Dwelling High Density & Limited Retail and Office) for three parcels encompassing 2.908 ± acres total. The request is to remove the condition that limited buildings to one story in the R-4 zoning district. The properties are located at 712 and 722 Hendee Place, and 725 Basha Arc. Submitted by M&M Building Solutions, Representative. Council District 4.
10. Discussion
11. Staff Announcements
12. Adjournment