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Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for April 23, 2024

Meeting will be held on April 23, 2024 6:00 pm at Council Chambers at City Hall, 700 N. Main Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico

Home > Multimedia Center > Agenda Center > Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for April 23, 2024

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
    03-26-24 PNZ Minutes.pdf
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Postponements
5. Acceptance of the Agenda
6. Public Participation
7. Consent Agenda
    7.1. Case No. 24ZO3000027
        A request for approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site Plan, known as Metro Verde Arcadia Phase 5 & 6, located within the Metro Verde PUD area. The proposed subdivision encompasses 30.00 ± acres, is zoned PUD and located on the southwest corner of Arroyo Road and Sentinel Avenue. The final site plan proposes 131-single-family residential lots with one tract of land for drainage and another tract of land for the mailbox cluster that will each be dedicated to the City of Las Cruces. Submitted by Sierra Norte Development Inc., property owners. City Council District 5.
    7.2. Case No. 24ZO0500034
        A proposed zone change request from C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity) to C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) on a property encompassing 1.40 ± acres and located at 3200 W. Picacho Avenue. The zone change request seeks to bring the property into compliance with the 2001 Zoning Code as amended and allow for the future redevelopment of a commercial land use. Submitted by Allure Homes, representative. City Council District 4.
    7.3. Case No. 24ZO0500035
        A request to approve a zone change from C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity) to C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) for a parcel encompassing 2.67 ± acres in size and located at 2605 Bataan Memorial West. The proposed zone change will bring the property into compliance with the 2001 Zoning Code. Submitted by Kary Bulsterbaum, Representative. Council District 5.
    7.4. Case No. 24ZO0500038
        A request to approve a zone change from C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity) to C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) for property (replat of 2 lots into one is pending) having a total acreage of ± 2.32 acres in size and located at 2999 Bataan Memorial West (northwest corner of Bataan Memorial West and Roadrunner Parkway). Submitted by Chris Sveum – Atwell, LLC on behalf of Yesway, Inc. City Council District 5.
8. Old Business
9. New Business
    9.1. Case No. 22ZO0500156
        A request to approve a zone change from R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) to R-4 (Multi-Dwelling High Density & Limited Retail and Office) for land ± 5.00 acres in size and located at 2795 N. Roadrunner Parkway. Submitted by Tafiq Hindash – AJ Construction, LLC on behalf of Mohamed Aswad, M.D., property owner. City Council District 3.
10. Discussion
11. Staff Announcements
12. Adjournment