1. Introductions
2. Conflict of Interest
At the opening of each meeting, the chairperson shall ask if any member on the Board or City staff has any known conflict of interest with any item on the agenda.
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Approval of Minutes
11-16-23 PRAB Draft Minutes.pdf
5. Public Participation
6. Action Items
6.1. Park Review Designation – Steven Bingham, Director of Parks & Recreation
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Community Outreach Subcommittee Update/Status – Board Vice-Chair Raish
7.2. Sports Field Usage Committee Update – Board Member Coppedge
7.3. Naming of Parks – Catherine Mathews, Landscape Architect, Parks & Recreation
8. Staff Member Comments
9. Board Member Comments
10. Adjournment
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