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Historic Preservation Commission Work Session Agenda for May 6, 2024

Meeting will be held on May 6, 2024 6:00 pm at Las Cruces City Hall in Room 2007 B, Second Floor

Home > Multimedia Center > Agenda Center > Historic Preservation Commission Work Session Agenda for May 6, 2024

1. Call to Order
2. Conflict of Interest
3. Discussion Items
    3.1. Chapter 40/2
        What is the goal of the HPC and how will the Ordinance impact the goals of the Commission?
    3.2. University Properties Demolition
        What happens during the wait/review period, and what does the review entail? The need to have the property recorded before demolition.
    3.3. General Discussion
        Is historic preservation in Las Cruces a viable program? If not- what changes need to be made?
4. Public Participation
5. Commission Commentary
6. Other Items
7. Adjournment