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Health and Human Services Advisory Committee Agenda for February 21, 2024

Meeting will be held on February 21, 2024 5:30 pm at City Hall, 700 N. Main, Las Cruces, New Mexico in City Council Chambers

Home > Multimedia Center > Agenda Center > Health and Human Services Advisory Committee Agenda for February 21, 2024

For those that would like to attend virtually, the meeting may be accessed using the following Zoom link:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Conflict of Interest Inquiry
  4. Approval of Minutes
    1. March 8, 2023
    2. Documents:
      1. 03-08-23 HHS Minutes.pdf
  5. Presentations by Applicants- Day 2
    1. FYI
    2. Jardin de los Ninos
    3. La Casa
    4. La Pinon
    5. Mesilla Valley Community of Hope
    6. NM Legal Aid
    7. Roadrunner Food Bank
    8. Southern NM Diabetes Outreach
    9. CARE
  6. Other Discussion
  7. Adjournment