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Dona Ana County Juvenile Justice Continuum Board Agenda for October 30,2024

Meeting will be held on October 30, 2024 12:00 pm at 340 N. Reymond St., Las Cruces NM

Home > Multimedia Center > Agenda Center > Dona Ana County Juvenile Justice Continuum Board Agenda for October 30,2024

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Welcome and Introductions
  4. Conflict of Interest (At the opening of each meeting, the Chairperson shall ask if any member on the Board or City staff has any known conflict of interest with any item on the agenda.
  5. Acceptance of Agenda
  6. Approval of Minutes
  7. Public Participation
  8. New Business

8.1 FY25 Doña Ana County Juvenile Justice Continuum Grant Fund

  1. Action Items

9.1     Structure of Board

  1. Updates:

10.1   YDD Program

10.2   JARC

10.3   JJAC Quarterly Meeting and Program Site Tour, September

10.4   “Youth Program of the Year in NM” presented by NMRPA

  1. Adjournment

Revised Posting 10/28/2024 (Meeting Address Change Only)