- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance and NM Flag Salute
- Welcome and Introductions
- Conflict of Interest
- Acceptance of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes lascruces.gov/…/10-30-24-DACJJ-Minutes-Draft.pdf
6.1 (10.30.2025 DACJJC Minutes)
- Introduction of Guest
7A. Guest Bianca Padilla CYFD Youth Services & Delinquency Prevention, Unit Manager
- Presentation “Brief History of JJAC and Board Roles, based on DACJJC By-laws”
- Offer other type of Trainings for future meetings. Robert’s Rules, DACJJC “Vision Board Training Work Meeting” (suggestions)
- Action Item
6A. Election of Chair and Co-Chair (Ryan)
- Updates
8A. Billing (July to December) Explain program transition and delays on Budget for Programs
8B. Continuum Coordinator Position
8C. Program Updates YDD
8D. Program Updates FYI
- Adjournment
Posted : January 10, 2025