- Call to Order
- Old Business
- New Business
- Case 23CS0500145: Clute Subdivision No. 2 Replat No. 1
- A request for approval of a non-administrative replat known as Clute Subdivision No. 2 Replat No. 1.
- The proposed subdivision currently encompasses 4.086 + acres, is zoned C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) and located at 1400 S. Valley Drive.
- The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into two (2) new lots that are 2.6766 ± acres to 1.4070 ± acres.
- Submitted by Precision Surveys Inc., Representative.
- Documents:
- Clute Subdivsion.pdf
- Case 23CS0500123: Parkhill Estates Subdivision Phase 9
- A request for approval of a preliminary plat known as Parkhill Estates Subdivision Phase 9.
- The proposed subdivision encompasses 33.214 + acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and located on the north side of Parkhill Drive and west of Rinconada Boulevard.
- The preliminary plat proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into one hundred fifty-seven (157) new lots that range from are 0.115 ± acres to 0.280 ± acres.
- There are six (6) Tracts that will be dedicated and maintained by the City of Las Cruces for drainage, utilities, and 40 feet for Rinconada Boulevard right-of-way.
- Submitted by Libbin Underwood Engineering & Surveying, Representative.
- Documents:
- Parkhill Estates Phase 9.pdf
- Case 22CS0500161: Jose Alonso Lujan Summary Subdivision
- A request for approval of a non-administrative replat, known as Jose Alonso Lujan Summary Subdivision.
- The proposed subdivision encompasses 0.919 + acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and located at 5591 Melody Lane.
- The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into two (2) new lots that are 0.424 ± acres in size.
- Submitted by Libbin Underwood Engineering & Surveying, Representative.
- Case 23CS0500145: Clute Subdivision No. 2 Replat No. 1
- Discussion
- Adjournment
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