1 Conflict of Interest:
At the opening of each meeting, the Chairperson shall ask if any member on the Committee or any member of the City staff has any known conflict of interest with any item on the agenda.
2. Acceptance of Agenda.
3. Acceptance of the Minutes:
4. City Staff and/or Consultant Follow-Up:
23.04.27-A: CIAC/Utilities Administration
a. Develop a master schedule, when each department gives us their schedule for their fee projects, development impact fee program.
b. Parks & Recreation & Public Safety Proposed Tour Dates by Melanie Castañeda.
23.04.27-B: Utilities Administration
a. Training Session by Nann Winter.
i. Open Meetings Act (OMA)
ii. Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA)
2023.04.27-C: Parks & Recreation
a. Parks & Recreation Department PIF Capital Projects by Robert Nunez.
5. Old Business:
Parks & Recreation Impact Fee Verbal Update by Robert Nunez.
Utilities Impact Fee Update by Domonique Rodriguez.
Discuss the 2022 CIAC Annual Report by CIAC Members.
6. New Business
7. Action
CIAC Members Vote on Applicant to Fill At-Large Vacant seat.
CIAC Members Vote on Vice-Chair.
CIAC Members Vote on Utilities Impact Fee.
8. Next Regular Meeting: June 22, 2023:
i. Old Business:
Utilities Impact Fee Update by Domonique Rodriguez.
Training Session by Nann Winter
CIAC Enabling Legislation
Development Fees Act
Las Cruces Municipal Code
Governmental Code of Conduct
Robert’s Rules of Order
CIAC Members to provide their Annual Report Status
9. Public Participation.
10. Board Comments.
Review City Staff and/or Consultant Follow-Up Items by Chair Curnutt.
11. Adjournment.