The City of Las Cruces Parks maintenance will be removing cottonwood trees at Salopek Park on 464 Salopek Boulevard.
Maintenance will include the removal of six to seven declining cottonwood trees due to a severe mistletoe infestation, two of which are dead. The work will start on the east end of the park and progress south towards the arroyo, lasting roughly two weeks.
Not all trees with mistletoe infestation will be removed. There are four trees deemed treatable throughout the park and will be treated in the late fall or early winter.
As part of efforts to maintain overall tree health, Parks will introduce tree species with higher pest resistance within the next planting season. Up to 30 trees are expected to be planted during the replacement phase. This work is part of ongoing improvements to Salopek Park.
For information, contact Parks and Recreation at (575) 541-2550.