Landlord Tenant Handbook
The Landlord/Tenant Relations Handbook is a useful guide for both renters and landlords to know their rights and responsibilities under the New Mexico Uniform Owner-Residents Relations Act, more commonly known as the “Landlord-Tenant Law.”
PLEASE NOTE: The following information and links to resources are referenced for information only and not meant to advise either party how to proceed with concerns regarding relationships between owner and tennant. The following information is based on New Mexico State laws that are or were currently in place. Statements are general. If needed, please seek advice from a reputable attorney if further questions arise. These links are intended as a public service and are not meant to endorse an attorney or law firm.
Handbook Highlights
- Deposit information
- Fair Housing Laws/Discrimination Prohibitions
- Landlord and tenant obligations
- An overview of going to court for any disputes
- Remedies and corrections available to tenants and landlords
- Rental Agreement requirements
- Right of entry limitations
- Resident’s 7 day notice of abatement forms
- 3-day Notice of Non-Payment
Contact Us
(575) 528-3022