The CIAC advises and assists the City of Las Cruces in adopting land use assumptions, which includes a description of the service area and projection of changes and land uses, densities, intensities and population in the service area over at least a five-year period.
The CIAC advises and assists the City of Las Cruces in adopting land use assumptions, which includes a description of the service area and projection of changes and land uses, densities, intensities and population in the service area over at least a five-year period.
The CIAC advises and assists the City of Las Cruces in adopting land use assumptions, which includes a description of the service area and projection of changes and land uses, densities, intensities and population in the service area over at least a five-year period.
The CIAC advises and assists the City of Las Cruces in adopting land use assumptions, which includes a description of the service area and projection of changes and land uses, densities, intensities and population in the service area over at least a five-year period.
Strategies for Successful Vegetable Gardening in Southern New Mexico Presented by: Stephanie Walker, Ph.D., Extension Vegetable Specialist, NMSU With our hot summers and low precipitation, growing vegetables in southern New Mexico can be challenging. This presentation will provide strategies and recommendations to cultivate a thriving harvest. All workshops are Free.
Making Soil Work for You Presented by: Bill Lindemann, Ph.D., Professor of Soil Microbiology, NMSU Soil is a natural resource. Types of soil vary greatly depending on where you live in our area. What type of soil is in your yard? How can it be improved? We’ll cover resources for compost and mulch for your garden and landscape to be its best — from the ground up! All workshops are...
The CIAC advises and assists the City of Las Cruces in adopting land use assumptions, which includes a description of the service area and projection of changes and land uses, densities, intensities and population in the service area over at least a five-year period.
What to Know Before Planting Fruit Trees in Southern New Mexico Presented by: Richard Heerema, Ph.D., Extension Pecan Specialist, NMSU We’ll discuss the joys and challenges of growing fruit in our desert. Tree species and variety selection, horticultural practices, irrigation, pruning and pest management will be covered. All workshops are Free.
Shade Tree Basics Presented by: John M. White, former curator of UTEP Chihuahuan Desert Gardens, retired extension horticulture agent, ISA Certified Arborist People mistakenly believe trees use a lot of water but their benefits far outweigh as shade-makers, air-cleaners and habitat-providers. We’ll cover site selection, tree choice, planting techniques, proper watering practices, fertilizer basics and tips to keep your trees healthy for the future. All workshops are Free.
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