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Dog Park Rules Survey

The City of Las Cruces will be making changes to our Dog Park Rules. We would like your input. Take Survey

Dog With a Ball

The pilot who died Sunday, Oct. 20, during the second day of the 2024 Las Cruces Air and Space Expo has been identified as Charles Thomas “Chuck” Coleman who was based out of California. “Unfortunately, we had a tragic ending to our Air and Space Expo this weekend,” said Las…

Pilot sitting in his airplane

Mayor Eric Enriquez will be guest speaker during the Las Cruces Police Department’s Oct. 29 Bridging the Badge livestream. Enriquez, in his first year as mayor, previously served as an Assistant City Manager and, before that, as Chief of the Las Cruces Fire Department. Enriquez will answer questions from the…


The City’s new Shopping Cart Ordinance is now being enforced and Las Cruces Codes Enforcement is asking for help locating carts that may have been abandoned or are still being used, contrary to the ordinance, off premises. The new Shopping Cart Ordinance, adopted by City Council in August 2024, makes…

Shopping cart on the sidewalk in front of a chain-link fence

The Las Cruces Fire Department sent a five-person Swift Water Rescue Team and a two-person EMS team to Roswell, N.M., after torrential rains caused flash flooding over the weekend. Both teams left about 11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, and arrived in Roswell at 2 p.m. The Swift Water Rescue Team,…

Seven members of the swift water rescue team

The Las Cruces Natatorium, 1405 E. Hadley Ave., will temporarily close Oct. 29 through Nov. 4 for scheduled warranty repairs. The temporary closure begins at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29. Normal operations are anticipated to resume on Monday, Nov. 4, 2024. For more information, call the Las Cruces Regional Aquatic Center at (575)…

Las Cruces Natatorium

Las Cruces Public Libraries will be showing a free movie just before Halloween that offers a few scares for adults and kids. The movie will show at 6:15 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26, in the Roadrunner Room at Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, 200 E. Picacho Ave. on Roadrunner Transit Route 1….

Sunglasses, popcorn, and a VHS tape

Las Cruces Public Libraries and AARP are hosting an informative presentation on fraud prevention on Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024. The presentation will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23, in the Roadrunner Room at Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, 200 E. Picacho Ave on Roadrunner Transit Route 1. Anyone who has been been approached…

Lady looking at a laptop

A plane participating in the 2024 Las Cruces Air and Space Expo went down Sunday afternoon, the second day of the event. The plane went down about 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, during the event held at the Las Cruces International Airport. First responders and airport rescue teams responded to…

Las Cruces International Airport

Veterans Day Parade

The Las Cruces Veterans Day Parade has been put on by volunteers since 1995 in support of local Veterans. Please come out and help show your support of our Veterans by participating in the parade or coming out to watch on Saturday, November 9, 2024. PARADE DETAILS

Poster submitted by Mesa Middle School student Jasmine Horvath

Downed Plane Halts Air and Space Expo A plane participating in the 2024 Las Cruces Air and Space Expo went down Sunday afternoon, the second day of the event. The plane went down about 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, during the event held at the Las Cruces International Airport. First…

Sign at Las Cruces International Airport

Las Cruces City Council heard from Fire Chief Jason Smith about the department’s proposed master plan and received updates on sustainability efforts during a Work Session held Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. Work on the proposed master plan began in February 2024 and has included a series of public surveys, public…


*This release shows a change of date for the first class to Oct. 30, 2024 The City of Las Cruces’ Parks and Recreation Department offers a Paint by Numbers class once a month through December 2024. The Paint by Numbers class is held at the East Mesa Recreation Center, 5589…

Students holding their paintings of roadrunners

Las Cruces police collected 133 shopping carts during the two-day collection period before enforcement of the new Shopping Cart Ordinance is initiated. On Oct. 10, the first day of the Shopping Cart Collection Initiative, 60 carts were relinquished at two separate locations within Las Cruces. On Tuesday, Oct. 15, another…

Line of shopping carts in front of a building

Las Cruces Public Libraries invite residents to join the Branigan Book Club, a literary discussion group, that meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. The next Branigan Book Club meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22, in the Kiva Room at Thomas Branigan Memorial Library, 200 E. Picacho…

Bookshelves with books
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