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Planning and Zoning Commission Agenda for February 27, 2024

Meeting will be held on February 27, 2024 6:00 pm at Council Chambers at City Hall, 700 N. Main Street, Las Cruces, New Mexico

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1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
    01-23-24 PNZ Minutes.pdf
3. Conflict of Interest
4. Acceptance of the Agenda
5. Public Participation
6. Consent Agenda
    6.1. Case No. 23CS0500123
        A request to approve a preliminary plat known as Parkhill Estates Subdivision Phase 9. The proposed preliminary plat encompasses 33.214 + acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and located at the northwest corner of Parkhill Drive and Rinconada Boulevard. The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into one hundred fifty-seven (157) residential lots that range from 0.115 ± acres to 0.280 ± acres in size and six (6) tracts for drainage, utilities, and right-of-way. Submitted by Libbin Underwood Engineering & Surveying, representative. Council District 5.
    6.2. Case No. 23CS0500145
        A request to approve a non-administrative replat known as Clute Subdivision No. 2 Replat No. 1. The proposed subdivision encompasses 4.086 ± acres in size, zoned C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) and located at 1400 S. Valley Drive. The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into two (2) new lots that are 1.4070 ± acres and 2.6766 ± acres in size. Submitted by Precision Surveys Inc., representative. Council District 4.
    6.3. Case No. 24ZO0500001
        A request to approve a zone change from C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity) to C-3 (Commercial High Intensity) for a property encompassing 9.37 + acres in size and located at 1900 Bataan Memorial East. Submitted by Upward Architects LLC, representative. Council District 3.
    6.4. Case No. 24ZO1000004
        A request to approve a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a cannabis dispensary (retailer) less than the required 300-foot buffer distance between a cannabis retail location and a single-family residential district (± 257’) for a property located at 1011 W. Picacho Avenue. The subject property encompasses 0.56 + acres in size, is located along the south side of Picacho Avenue between 3rd Street and 4th Street and is zoned C-2 (Commercial Medium Intensity). Submitted by Danielle Rodriguez of Smoking Rodz Cannabis Company, business owner. Council District 4.
    6.5. Case No. 24ZO5000005
        A request to approve an Infill Development Process (IDP) request and associated development standard deviations for a proposed duplex. The development proposes two attached one-story apartments on property encompassing 0.12 + acres in size, zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and located on the southeast corner of California Avenue and Chaparro Street at 1201 Chaparro Street within the Infill Development Overlay District. Submitted by Luke Carboneau, property owner. Council District 3.
7. New Business
    7.1. Case No. 22CS0500161
        A request for approval of a non-administrative replat known as Jose Alonso Lujan Summary Subdivision. The proposed subdivision encompasses 0.919 ± acres, is zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density) and is located at 5591 Melody Lane. The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into two (2) new lots that are 0.424 ± acres in size each. Submitted by Libbin Underwood Engineering and Surveying, representative. City Council District 6.
    7.2. Case No. 23CS4000103
        A request for approval of a 100 % waiver to the required road improvements associated with the proposed non-administrative replat known as Jose Alonso Lujan Summary Subdivision at 5591 Melody Lane. The proposed subdivision requires the applicant to provide all road improvements to the adjacent roadways; Rexview Road and Melody Lane. The applicant is proposing to provide the required dedication, but no improvements. Submitted by Libbin Underwood Engineering and Surveying, representative. City Council District 6.
    7.3. Case No. 23ZO5000153
        A request to approve an Infill Development Process (IDP) request to allow for site deviations for the development of a commercial property located at 420 Mesilla Street. The subject property is zoned ADO-6 (Railroad Corridor from the Alameda Depot Overlay) and encompasses 0.137 ± acres. Submitted by L&M Asset Management Inc., representative. City Council District 4.
    7.4. Case No. 23VO0500158
        A request to approve a variance to the minimum landscaping requirements for a parcel of land encompassing 19.778 + acres in size, located with two zoning districts, M-1/M-2C (Industrial Standard-Conditional) and LCIIP (Las Cruces Innovation and Industrial Overlay Zone District), and located at 8993 Robert Larson Boulevard. Submitted by Ceso Inc. on behalf of Love’s Travel Stops & Country Stores Inc., property owner. Council District 4.
    7.5. Case No. 24ZO5000003
        A request to approve an Infill Development Process (IDP) request and associated development standard deviations for a proposed 15-unit apartment complex. The development proposes three two-story buildings consisting of five apartment units each on property zoned R-1a (Single-Family Medium Density). The subject property encompasses 1.12 + acres in size and is generally located east of the BNSF Railroad tracks on the south side of McClure Road at 725 McClure Road within the Infill Development Overlay District. Submitted by Amado and Lucinda Rivas – Mesilla Valley Properties LLC, property owner. Council District 4.
8. Staff Announcements
9. Discussion
10. Adjournment