- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- Documents:
- 12-06-23 DRC Minutes.pdf
- Documents:
- Old Business
- New Business
- Case 23CS0500129: Santa Fe Mining Subdivision Replat No.1
- A request for approval of a non-administrative replat known as Santa Fe Mining Subdivision Replat No.1.
- The proposed subdivision currently encompasses 2.15 + acres, is zoned M-1/M-2 (Industrial Standard) and located on the northwest corner of S. Compress Road and W. Amador Avenue, a.k.a. 950 W. Amador Avenue.
- The subdivision proposes to subdivide one (1) existing lot into two (2) new lots that are 0.83 ± acres to 1.32 ± acres in size.
- The previous subdivision dedicated the required right-of-way, and no additional dedication or improvements are required.
- Submitted by Harcrow Surveying LLC, Representative.
- Documents:
- Santa Fe Mining Subdivision Replat No 1.pdf
- Case 23CS0500129: Santa Fe Mining Subdivision Replat No.1
- Discussion
- Adjournment
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