Las Cruces Utilities has been inspecting drinking water pipes in accordance with the Revised Lead and Copper Rule and, to date, have found no lead water service lines within the City.
The Lead and Copper Rule is intended to help reduce exposure and health risks of lead- and copper-based metals. The rule requires Las Cruces Utilities to locate and replace any water service lines that may contain lead or galvanized steel.
Revisions to the federal Lead and Copper Rule, with new EPA requirements, became effective Oct. 16, 2024.
The rule requires LCU to inspect all water service lines within the City, which include all pipes that supply water from the water main lines to the meter and then the meter to the home and replace any service line that may be lead or galvanized. LCU is also required to test water service lines that provide water to all elementary schools and licensed childcare facilities within the City. Exempt from sampling are facilities that were built or had all plumbing replaced after Jan. 1, 2014.
So far, LCU has found no lead-based service lines and no galvanized lines that require replacement. Based on available records, LCU knows of 20,637 water service lines of unknown material and 15,627 water service lines that are known to be non-lead pipes.
Most water service lines in Las Cruces are of plastic pipe materials.
LCU customers who have unknown service line materials were sent a letter stating that the water system is working to identify pipes leading to their home or business. There are currently no records for the specific address, therefore LCU will be completing field investigations to verify the material. Customers do not need to take any action at this time, if they chose.
Customers can self-inspect their water service lines if they wish. Customers who self-inspect their water service lines are encouraged to take a photo of the pipes (service line connections coming into the meter and going out of the meter), upload a photo on the LCU online inventory map or email the photo with your name and address to [email protected].
Exposure to lead and copper may cause health problems if concentrations exceed certain levels. Las Cruces Utilities has 10 years to complete its inspections of all water service lines and complete replacements of any service lines that may be found to contain lead or galvanized lines requiring replacement.
The City is not responsible for paying for the replacement of water service line on the customers’ side of the meter, the line that runs from the meter to the home or business. Replacement of those lines must be funded by the customer. However, LCU is exploring financial assistance opportunities to help cover the customers’ side to replace their services lines if they are found to be lead or galvanized lines.
For more information, visit the online Lead and Copper Inventory map or contact Las Cruces Utilities at [email protected].