Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

In response to nationwide concerns of lead exposure through drinking water, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) (40 CFR 141.84). The law mandates that public water systems tabulate and make available an inventory of water service lines with their material of construction. In particular, the inventory focuses on whether or not water service lines contain lead. The initial inventory must be submitted to the New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED) Drinking Water Bureau (DWB) no later than October 16, 2024.

What is a service line?

A water service line is the pipe that connects the water main to your home or building inlet. Service lines may be made of copper or other materials such as galvanized iron or steel, plastic, brass, or lead. If any portion of the pipe is made of lead, it is called a lead service line (LSL).

Why is it important for me to know if my home has a lead or galvanized service line?

Lead is a toxin that poses serious health risks, and infants, young children, and pregnant people are particularly vulnerable to lead exposure. Lead service lines and plumbing materials (including solder, fixtures, and faucets) are the most common sources of lead in a home’s drinking water. Galvanized iron or steel pipe can pose a risk if it has ever been connected downstream of a lead service line, as lead can attach to the inner surface of galvanized steel and be released into drinking water over time. Service lines made of galvanized iron or steel that are (or were previously) downstream of LSLs are classified as galvanized requiring replacement (GRR) service line.

What is the City of Las Cruces doing?

The City of Las Cruces Utilities Department (LCU) has already completed an initial inventory of service line materials, which will be made publicly available on the LCU website no later than October 16, 2024. Your service line may be labeled as: lead, galvanized requiring replacement, non-lead, or unknown. In the event your service line is lead or galvanized requiring replacement, you will receive a notice within 30 days of October 16, 2024. If your service line is designated unknown, you will receive further information on how to check your service line and report it to the City of Las Cruces Utilities Department.

Where can I go to ask questions and get more information?

More information about the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions can be found at https://www.env.nm.gov/drinking_water/lcrr/.

For more information on lead in drinking water, visit: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water.

Additionally, you can reach out to Steven Perez, Deputy Director of Regulatory Compliance with Las Cruces Utilities directly at [email protected], or at 575-528-3704.

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