Passenger Code of Conduct

In the interest of promoting a safe and enjoyable journey for everyone, all RoadRUNNER Transit passengers and visitors to transit facilities and bus stops must abide by the Passenger Code of Conduct.


  • Items which, because of their size or nature of content, may be dangerous to passengers are not allowed on the bus. Items prohibited by RoadRUNNER Transit include but are not limited to:
    • Illegal drugs.
    • Weapons, including but not limited to knives and guns.
    • Flammable or combustible materials or other dangerous substances such as batteries, fuels, fireworks, and toxic chemicals
    • Open containers of alcohol
  •  Public Transit is meant for those travelling to specific destinations. Riders who have been on the bus for a full travel loop will be asked to change routes.
  • Proper behavior is required. Physical or verbal abuse, harassment, threats, or intimidating transit staff or other passengers will not be tolerated.
  • Proper hygiene is required.
  • Wear socially appropriate clothing including shirts and footwear: indecent exposure will not be tolerated.
  • Young children must be accompanied by an older responsible rider.
  •  Parent/Guardians of small children are responsible for ensuring their child is seated and complies with the rules of conduct. Parents must sit with small children.
  • Headphones must be used when listening to music or watching videos. Keep cell phone conversations quiet.
  • Food may not be consumed on the bus. Non-alcoholic beverages are allowed if in a resealable, spillproof container.
  • Pets must be confined in a secure carry-on lap size carrier; large pets are not allowed.
  • Passengers should arrive at their bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time.
  • When fares are required, please have exact change or bus pass ready.
  • Bus stops and bus shelters are for the use of transit passengers. Non-riders are not allowed to loiter at bus stops and bus shelters.
  • Literature may not be distributed on buses or transit property without the express written approval of the Transit Administrator.


  • Riders are encouraged to be seated if a seat is available. Do not move seats while bus is in motion. Riders may stand in the standee area of a bus and are encouraged to hold on to a stanchion.
  • If the rider is able, please yield a seat to those who would be more vulnerable if standing, for example the disabled, elderly, and young children.
  • Please stand back from the doors to allow passengers to exit the bus safely.
  • Never chase or try to board a bus once it is in motion or if the bus is stopped in traffic.
  • Never cross the street directly in front of the bus.
  • Do not talk with the driver or stand forward of the standee line while the bus is in motion.
  • Use of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, cannabis products, and vaping products is not allowed on transit buses, transit facilities and in bus shelters.
  • DON’T sleep or lie down on seats. DON’T place feet on seats nor seatbacks.


  • Wheelchair/mobility devices have priority in the front securement area of the bus. Passengers must vacate seating to wheelchair/mobility devices. Passengers with disabilities and the elderly that do not require wheelchair /mobility devices have priority seating just behind the securement area.
  • Wheelchairs and similar mobility devices must be secured in the securement area on buses. Transit personnel are trained professionals and are responsible for securing mobility devices. Drivers are required to recommend seatbelt/shoulder strap to riders on wheelchairs/mobility devices.
  • Very large mobility devices that exceed the dimensions of a standard wheelchair might not always be capable of being accommodated.
  • Service animals may sit on the owner’s lap, or at their feet. They may not block the aisle or be on a seat. Service animals must be on a leash.
  • Service animals that do not behave as service animals may be banned from the buses.


  • Riders are limited to no more bags (backpacks, luggage) than can be carried in one load, and must be in physical control of the rider within the seating area. Carry-on items cannot block the aisle or the wheelchair securement area.
  • Strollers and walkers must be folded and stored under the seat or in the seating area.
  • Small personal carts are allowed if they can be stored in between seats or on a passenger’s lap. Carts cannot block the aisles.
  • Wagons or large carts are not allowed.
  • Segways and similar devices are not allowed on buses.


  • All buses have exterior racks that will hold three bikes on a first come-first serve basis.
  • Remove personal items from the bike and carry them onto the bus. RoadRUNNER Transit is not responsible for lost or damaged personal items left on the bike rack.
  • Small folding bikes and scooter may be folded and brought into the bus if they meet the requirement of a carry-on item. Large scooters/bikes that do not fit properly are not allowed on the bike rack or in the bus.
  • When getting off at your stop, let your driver know you are retrieving a bike from the bike rack.


  • 1ST offense – a verbal request to cease inappropriate behavior may be given by transit staff, depending on the severity of the offense. A supervisor may immediately implement step two if the passenger is non-compliant with the original request to cease inappropriate behavior.
  • 2nd offense – up to a 60-day suspension, depending on the severity of the offense.
  • 3rd offense – up- to-90-day suspension, depending on the severity of the offense.
  • 4th offense is subject to the revocation of riding privileges indefinitely.

Following any suspension in rider privileges, the rider must meet with Transit Administration to have riding privileges reinstated.