Physical Assessment

The Physical Ability Test (PAT) consists of a series of tasks designed to assess important physical abilities necessary for effective job performance as a firefighter. These tasks were developed to mirror real situations that firefighters encounter on the job. These tasks represent basic skills that do not require training or previous experience as a firefighter to successfully complete.

Two-Part Test

The PAT is divided into two parts. There is an untimed portion of the test during which you will be required to ascend and descend an aerial ladder. This portion of the test strictly pass or fail. There is also a timed portion of the test during which you will complete a series of nine job simulation components. These components are timed in a continuous series and must be complete in the allotted time of 6 minutes and 56 seconds in order to pass the PAT. For more information regarding the PAT process, please view the Physical Ability Test Orientation Guide (PDF).